Poems by Beautiful~*~Dragons~*~Fire

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  • A lone stallion,
    Stands on the banks of a mighty river...

  • My heart is broken,
    But still beating...

  • The wind whispers
    Along the shores of a distant land...

  • Why do bad things happen?
    Why do people die...

  • The hot African sun
    Rises on a brand new day...

  • I gurgle and burble peacefully
    As a doe and young fawn drink...

  • In a field of wildflowers
    A single rose bush grows...

  • Though the night is cold and dark
    And the rain is pouring down...

  • His heart was darker than the sky at night,
    But deeper than the depths of Hell...

  • In all history, has there ever been a king who...
    Never before has one with such authority loved his...

  • Brown is the Earth,
    Brown is the soil...

  • I am me,
    Just me...