Poems by Catastrophic Beauty

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  • I wish I could be with you for the rest of my...
    I wish trying to stay with you was my only strife...

  • I still hope and dream that one day I can feel...
    Pressed to mine as you caress me with your...

  • *... I'm okay.
    My watery tears from my eyes...

  • I'm your favorite girl if you like blood,
    I'm your favorite girl if you like tears...

  • Is it your lovely smile filled with such beauty
    That always makes my heart beat fast...

  • Is this really what they call Love
    Or is this just Fake...

  • This is just something I have to let out...
    I hate this thing called my life...

  • Just like for rainbows we make a journey,
    In our lives in a search for special golds...

  • For my dearest cousin && best friend
    Lakila a.k.a. Lakiggy Piggy...

  • The trees wave at me on this lonely windy night,
    I sit in silence as you freely occupy my thoughts...

  • Lies
    So many lies unknown and some told...

  • -------------------Life