
About kelly

i am kelly. i like stuff.

Profile of kelly

  • Age : 14
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Georgia
  • Joined : Dec 26, 2006
  • Last Visit : 17 years ago
  • Poems : 42
  • Comments : 12
  • Quotes : 16
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By kelly

  • Note: This is NOT my poem. This poem was written...
    I simply wanted to share my favorite poem with...

  • I lie in the grass
    Next to our tree...

  • Monkeys like me more than you
    Your friends like me better too...

  • It's been a while since we talked last
    it's funny how seconds with you fly by so fast...

  • It was all okay when you had me as your girl
    but it's over now...

Latest Quotes By kelly

  • The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

    -Mark Twain

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • Bush is retarded.

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Dude: Knock, knock.
    Blonde Chick: Who's there?
    Dude: Nobody.
    Blonde Chick: Nobody who?
    Dude: ...
    Blonde Chick: Nobody who?!
    Dude: ...
    Blonde Chick: Where did you go?!?!

    17 years ago
    0 0

Favorite Poems