Poems by Independence Forever

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  • Snow falling, mixed with blood and tears
    a deep wound, no mourners, passed years...

  • I'm here for a short time to make my mark
    my life here will be symbolized as a spark...

  • Revenge, you'll pay for your crimes
    killing innocents for just a few dimes...

  • Darkness descends, no moon to reveal our raid
    we know what's going to happen, orders made...

  • Everywhere i go i see your face
    i see you always, all around the place...

  • Caught by indecision and lacking the power
    feelings begin strengthening and hope to flower...

  • Standing on the river's edge Caesar peered across
    his consciousness in it's own battle seemed at...

  • I'm sick of all this garbage you deal!
    do this, do that, it's a repeating wheel...

  • I've pondered long where my happiness dwells
    lofty heights, rolling greens, or ocean swells...

  • From far away battlefields to local towns
    surges of Independence fills and drowns...

  • ::for all fans of the CBS show Jericho::
    safety off, secure the bulletproof vest...

  • ::dedicated to all fakers::
    the word love is used too loosely...