Poems by Independence Forever

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  • I look in the corner at the vacant chair
    in hopes of seeing you sitting there...

  • Trust (2)

    Lying near death in the alley gutter
    so cold and bloodied i shutter...

  • My picture of heaven may differ from yours
    some things are the same, such as no wars...

  • After winter's bane is over, we shall have glee
    no one will be happier at it's coming than me...

  • A veritable cauldron of didn't identities
    lawyers, doctors, people with infirmities...

  • I never thought this night could be so dark
    where once was flame, not even a spark...

  • I know a few people who swear true love
    but i say for an underaged kid it is like an...

  • If you go for that guy I'll bet it'll end bad
    when it's over you'll be very sad...

  • We are so different but somehow it blends
    we are perfect in perverse ways, signal sends...

  • Why do you care what other people think
    why if anyone does then they need the shrink...

  • Since early childhood i have had this beast
    love, friendship and all good are his feast...

  • I heard you lost your lover
    now you use that old cover...