Poems by Rusheena

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  • Morning dew sparkles
    like pear-shaped diamonds, cut from...

  • Snowflakes fall like tears
    onto the gray lake. Silence...

  • Poseidon's wrath lies behind your flooding lips.
    They only part to spew out curses...

  • *Written 1/24/13*
    I had a friend, named Jesse Arcane, who loved to...

  • We've grown old together.
    We've weathered the strongest storms...

  • The click of a light switch wakes Mason from his...
    His floppy, yellow ears quickly perk up...

  • She leaves her watchtower, when it's warm and dry,
    to kiss her blossoming babies goodbye...

  • There's a storm coming, one like no one has ever...
    All of the news reports confirm it...

  • Inspired by the poem "Repairs" by Andrew...
    Tools flood the garage...

  • Inspired by the poem "After The Attack&quot...
    Mom and Dad don't look both ways...

  • I'm falling at the speed of light,
    and there's nothing under me to land on...

  • There's nothing for me to grab, so I curl my toes...
    If it burns a hole through me, right now, it...