Nightmare Fiend

About Nightmare Fiend

First and foremost some of you wonder why i add so many poems at a time, i generally right them all down over say a couple months and post them all together so i dont have to keep coming and posting and just do it once in a awhile

Um...hi lets see i write mainly sad or dark poems maybe some love but besides that don't get your hopes up lol oh and yes people English is not my first language so please be gentle bout that not my fault xD (Yes i am Nightmare Fiend if you know me dont be afraid to message me...if you dont know me use caution ;P)

No I'm not emo so don't try me with that...I'm atheist so don't ramble about god or stuff like that to me

I'm gay love it love it, don't then drop it its just me so don't go saying I'm wrong or anything unless you wanna get yelled at

Most annoying questions:
1. Can you speak Italian? Well lets think about this for a moment, I live in what would i speak ? French ? No. Italian.

2.Why are you gay ? Why are you straight?

3.Are you emo ? NO

4. When people ask you questions does it annoy you ? This question made me wonder how stupid can someone be

All rights reserved (c)Nightmare Fiend

Profile of Nightmare Fiend

  • Age : 15
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : Italy
  • Joined : Nov 1, 2007
  • Last Visit : 16 years ago
  • Poems : 52
  • Comments : 9
  • Quotes : 15
  • Posts : 199
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Nightmare Fiend

  • In the misty void of my hollow soul
    An angel appeared of the grandest kind...

  • I dropped the blade that was held in my hand
    Awaking to see what was left of a man...

  • Hang noose swinging over a wooden floor.
    Grandpa's chair jammed behind the door...

  • Gazed upon by jewels of green.
    Heart warmed by the unfaltering sheen...

  • You come to me in my dreams of love,
    Bringing the warmth of heaven as I sleep...

Latest Quotes By Nightmare Fiend

  • Back stab me, And I'll Backhand you.

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • I'm never wrong.
    I thought i was once.
    I was mistaken.

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally.

    16 years ago
    0 0

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