After such a surprising heartbreak that shocked my...
my eyes are no longer capable of hiding true...
-*Written for a Contest.*-
Based off of the word: iPod...
Birds dance gracefully
aloft crisp blue waters...
Butterflies have temporarily ceased-
due to your absence...
Azul eyes dim to slate gray,
fog blinds vision, a storm of tears arrives...
I havent wrote in a while, but heres the end...
Flowers frown, wilting.
Silk leaves schrivled...
~Not real by any means. Just a dark poem for fun...
Filled with stress; pleading for a release...
I watched you -
a heart of bereft love...
Emotions overflow like rapid
waterfalls, as light...
The first time we parted, I was ripped into...
sincere feelings for you still lingered although...
I once fell for a boy;
only one word fit him...