Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • I can see your pain wrapped up in the cellophane
    It is so clear , it is so in vain...

  • There once were kittywampus wings
    Attached to kittywampus things...

  • If I wrote around the clock
    Guess I would get writers block...

  • It was scribed in his heart
    Yes, from the very start...

  • We break laws we must atone
    Are the laws written in stone...

  • I couldn't write a song
    about everything that's wrong...

  • I know how easy it is to make a wrong turn
    I believe you must learn what I had to learn...

  • If Jesus was online, and His IP address was...
    could He find twelve cyberfriends, trust at least...

  • Do you remember back when?
    In the year of our Lord ten...

  • Yearning to learn to teach anyone a lesson
    ideas as our map as masters have written...

  • I think I will write you a love sonnet
    With all of the cliche' sugar a spice...

  • Looking back at the photographs of yesteryear
    Ghosts of the past seem to gaze silently at me...