Poems by Timothy

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  • I have heard "O'Death, where is thy...
    And I've heard the minstrels sing...

  • 1st Verse:
    I once knew a man who didn't know what he had...

  • I haven't been inside since I was a child,
    It's lies to man and the Divine that I have...

  • It's hurt so long, nothing seems to ever be right,
    I'm sad and I'm angry and hate everything, out of...

  • As long as the wind blows,
    As far as the galactic eye...

  • Why is there so much hate,
    And your fellow neighbor cannot even rate...

  • The wind is blowing, and it's something I can't...
    It's terrifying and powerful, something akin to...

  • The Angel (2) 1

    First Verse:
    My life wasn't heavenly, not even close...

  • Traveling across the ocean,
    Reaching the coordinates in many days...

  • I see now, what once was unclear,
    I understand now, what I once feared...

  • Dare you walk,
    Across the ice of the lake...

  • We were inseparable, two peas in a pod,
    We shared life and liberty, and our mutual faith...