Favorite Poems of Alex D

  • Alison Part 2 (13) 1

    by Malboros pipe

    Another sonnet for the exquisite sweetheart,
    Lingering gasps will expose longful honesty...

  • Phantom Knocks & Distant Moans (2)

    by Indian Comma Bean

    Solemn tides bring suspicions
    To the harbors in my eyes...

  • Picture Perfect (1)

    by Lilly Tagloff

    There you are, frozen in time.
    Here's a frame, you'll be just fine...

  • Oh, What A Wonderful World (12) 7 WIN

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    The <> marks in front of sentences mean a...

  • Horrific Bloody Feast (3)

    by Sorefromreality

    Sit down in all your violent glory
    Come eat with us, we take no mercy...

  • Lullaby (24)

    by Ironic Allure

    That same song is perfect still,
    The rhymes in every line...