
  • TragicRomance
    16 years ago

    Do you think it is hot? Do you have any? If so what I am getting mixed opinions...

    I like them and have many

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    They're cool, if they're in the right places...
    I feel like it's scary on some places and if they're too much, but anyways they're nice...
    I have the traditional ear peircing that's all... got it done by my step great grandmother, with a needle, when I was born... ain't that interesting? well it's tradition in islam (the piercing I mean)

  • veeda
    16 years ago

    I only have three on each side of my ear.
    But I want...four more.
    belly button, tongue, top of my right ear, and nose...
    ooo and snakebites are hottt :)

  • xxxStarSxxx
    16 years ago

    I love them!!
    I've only got two holes in each of my ears and I did them myself. I did pierce my belly button with a safety pin and ice but my mother found out and made me take it out. :( it was hot! I want it done again. And I want my nose and my lip and my eyebrow and a few more on my easr...

  • Ari
    16 years ago

    I have three per ear and I love them. I want to get my tongue pierced and my nose... yeah. I like piercings. I'm not a fan of plugs though. I think piercings on girls and guys is cool.

  • Blackstar
    16 years ago

    I have two piercings, one belly button and a piercing in my nose.
    And i have earrings 3 on each ear
    i think piercings are nice but not too much.

  • TragicRomance
    16 years ago

    I have my nose, my belly button, lip, eye brow, tongue, tragus, and rook (parts of ear) 2 3 in other parts of each ear, and well, i think that's it as of now

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    I have two on my right ear and one on my left ear...

  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago

    I do not have any piercings at all.
    I think they look nice though.


  • mrsmoore
    15 years ago

    I think this one is just like the tattoo discussion. Having a lot of visible piercings isn't accepted if you want a decent job somewhere. Normally, you don't want customer service from someone who looks like a tack board. Ears and belly button is all i have. Piercings, like tattoos, are meant for you and not for other people. I don't think either should be visible (except the ears) to other people unless you want that sort of message to come off to other people.

  • SweeT pOisOn
    15 years ago

    They're cute...only if the're done in the right places!!!
    i like them...but when they get on the extremes like punks and stuff...then they just puke the hell outta me!!!

  • XxBrokenInsidexX
    15 years ago

    I love piercings....But I dont like too many facial ones on females :/

    I have my nose & ears pierced but thats about it

    But yea its pretty awesome..but too many is a turn off for me

  • Christina
    15 years ago

    I have four

    1 in one ear and 3 in the other haha

    i got my cartlige pierced then i pierced it again so thats y i have have 1 and 3 in the other

    and i looove piercing i want my belly and tongue

  • MR F R 3 S H
    15 years ago

    I have my ears pierced...and I think girls belly buttons pierced is so sexy =D

  • ForbiddenSnowflake
    15 years ago

    I love getting piercings! Such an adrenaline rush!
    At the moment I only have my ears and labret pierced.
    I have had my tongue and belly done too.
    My tongue bar fell out at a party and I left it too long to put one back in. And i had to take my belly one out when i was pregnant :(
    I look forward to getting a few more done....especially the back of my neck!

  • 2weak2smile
    15 years ago

    I have my lip pieced twice (snake bite) thats all at the moment (ihave had me eye brow done twice but have taken them out) but i plan on many more. eg- eye brow again one on each, my labret, and a few in my ears, nipple.

  • The Sky is Falling
    15 years ago

    Mm I love them :D
    I have them everywhere
    snakebites both nipples hips 12 in each ea double in my bellybutton and double in my tongue. tongue -.o running out of room here ><

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    15 years ago

    I like em

    my ears and soon my belly button

    15 years ago

    I like them. I think they look good on certain people.

    I have one in my lip[the left side], my right eyebrow, 3 in my right ear[1 cartilage, 2 lobe], and two on my left ear[lobe].

  • J u l e s
    15 years ago

    I use to have lip piercing. I think lip piercings are very hot. Not sure why but they are

  • Yours Truly xO
    15 years ago

    Uhm i have my belly button pierced &* my boyfriend thinks it's sexy. but thats it:)

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    Im up for it im gonna go get my nose pierced and my belly button then ill get a barbell in my left ear

    15 years ago

    I want a piercing... i only have my ears and i had my nose pierced but i took it off...
    i want to get my lip pierced....

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago

    Okay I just got more :D

  • xXxUNOxXx
    15 years ago

    I think snake bites and septum peircings are the hottest!!!!! OH and nipps, too.

  • iM LYiNG tO MY SELf
    15 years ago

    I only have my ears pierced for now...that's just because that's all my rents will allow. I plan on getting my belly button, my nose, and maybe my eyebrow pierced. But I think piercings are WAY hot!! For guys snake bites really turn me on ...but I don't think I will ever have it done on me.

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    I have 13. I have my belly button, 3 in each ear, my tongue, nose, lip, nipples, and hood. I love them, they are so addicting. I'm planning on getting another one on the bottom part of my belly button and maybe my eyebrow. No one ever thinks i have that many tho, and i have 9 tat's too. I love them as well.

  • sliim
    15 years ago

    I have 3 0ne iin each ear and the t0p 0f mah belly butt0n

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    Both my ears are pierced twice in the lobes...I'm gonna get pierced in the top cartilage.

    I don't really like noserings when they are huge and flashy, they're ok when small.

    Spiderbites are hot i think, I would never do it cuz my rents would kill me but they are hot.

    I kinda want my lip pierced but like i said before my rents would kill me.

  • Sorinity
    15 years ago

    I have my ears, cartalidege (sp) and belly button pierced and I want my nose pierced.

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    I have two on my left ear and one on my right.

  • Liz
    15 years ago

    I absolutely love snakebites, (on guys). for those who don't know what those are- they're two silver balls right under your lower lip. i think they're so hot :P

    i like noserings (on girls, mostly) if their just like a little diamond, i dont particuarly like the big ring.

    i have 2 piercings on each ear, and im getting my cartilage peirced soon. [:

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    In kansas we call them spiderbites instead of snakebites. I only like them on guys though.

  • HaileyHelen
    15 years ago

    I think its kewt on some guys... my boyfriend is getting his ears pierced this weekend and them getting them stretched

    I have 4 in my ear had my belly and I'm thinking bout my nose...

  • tears i cry
    15 years ago

    I want MY lip And eyebrow done

    i wanted my lip dont first but then my best friend went and did her with a safety pin so now everyone will think i was copying her but on the plus side it got infect and her lip was the size as a c-cup lol

    but now everyone is telling me that an eyebrow piercing would suit me and cause it dont suit many girls i think ima get it done (L)

  • ether
    15 years ago

    In exactly 3 months I'm getting a smiley.
    I've been so excited about this for at least 6 months now. And wanted it for nearly 2 years.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    I have my nose, labret and tongue done, once upon a time my nipples as well, but I had to take them out.

  • Tammie
    15 years ago

    I have my ears done twice and my belly.

    I wouldn't mind my tongue done but I couldn't deal with the pain. I'm a wuss aha.

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago

    Hm.. I am getting a corset piercing in the next week or so

  • dirtyhands
    15 years ago

    No,im a guy but i hate them honestly and of course i dun have any,,