Three Objects

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    The sun up high does shine too bright
    upon a daffodil in sight
    while children play so calmly by
    so near a fountain eating pie
    some pizza crust and chicken thighs
    with extra spicy curly fries
    when from the sky a sandal fell
    and caused the calm to go to hell
    because the daffodil, oh well,
    has been smashed and I can tell


    Pepperoni, skates, ship

  • prasanna replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    you picked the pepperoni off your pizza slice
    as we reminisced about the time we first
    went skating; you'd still laugh at how long
    it took me to get those darn skates on.
    i asked you what was next on the bucket
    list, you said you wanted to go on reenact
    scenes of titanic on a ship. i checked my
    phone, scouring the internet for the closest
    cruise, and bought our tickets .
    i feigned a smile, told you that i
    booked it, knowing full well you wouldn't
    make it till then.


    lamp, mosquito, book.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to prasanna
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    A mosquito followed me
    into bed one night, and as I
    swatted my hand at it frantically,
    I wondered if it just needed
    a temporary home. So I let it be,
    turning on my lamp and cuddling
    up with a book, hearing the
    faint buzz as it beat its wings
    and danced around the light.


    an antique piano, a mouse, rum

  • Milton replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    I spend my winters in a cabin
    In the middle of nowhere
    People tell me to make more friends, stop being shallow
    But this is where I keep my antique piano

    Besides I'm not alone
    I tell people I have a friend
    He lives here in my isolated house
    He's the best pet mouse!

    He doesn't talk but I know he listens
    My trusted companion, they'll never understand
    As the sun sets, I pop open my favourite rum
    Tonight my mouse will feast on my crumbs!
    river, hammer, hat

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Milton
    3 years ago

    She wore the hat her
    father always donned,
    playing by the river,
    building a cabin in her
    imagination. Someday,
    she would be safe from
    his anger, from the hammer
    that nestled in his belt,
    a sign of dominance.
    Soon, she would be
    threatened no more.


    A rosary, poison ivy, icicle

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    The Boast

    I remember one Autumn when the sun
    was low on the sky, leaves were brown;
    our gang walked in ways of the young;
    trails from our hilltop took us down
    to thick woods and brush all around.

    Poison ivy grew generously - beckoned
    to anyone who did not know three-leaves
    shouted danger loud as you could reckon
    but in bravado I rubbed it under my sleeves
    stupidity deserves the pain it receives.

    All the next three months brought regrets
    for rashness led to rashes all over my arm
    that looked like burns from cigarettes
    no praying the rosary produced any charm
    nor did medicine relieve the idiot harm.

    Christmas came and went and winter storms
    before the pustules dried up and left
    not til icicles hung on the eaves in swarms
    did this lesson leave in my ego such a cleft
    that innocent boasting found me bereft.


    A park, seat cushion, a glass of sherry

  • Milton replied to Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago

    I've got big plans tonight
    I'm going to be staying after dark
    Fireworks, food and dancing
    I can't wait to get to the park

    I'll be going alone, I asked everyone I know
    Driving my car to the other side of town
    The show is going to be so good, there's no way I'm missing the clowns
    Sitting in my comfy seat cushion, I can see the park just ahead

    I met a girl over a glass of sherry
    Her hair, the colour of a canary
    She showed me her necklace made of moonstone
    Next time I won't be going alone


  • Everlasting replied to Milton
    3 years ago

    with glowing candles
    a bridge made of a big coin
    becomes enlightened


    sheet, TV, window

  • Star replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    The TV is chattering behind me,
    the news playing on repeat.

    The world outside my window
    is slowly sinking, as rain showers
    wash away todays tears.

    I try to interpret the music sheet
    in front of me, but life keeps falling
    into the wrong tune.

    Mask, hoodie, candle

  • Obscure replied to Star
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    The match scrapes across the box
    Setting wood aflame
    A candlewick sputters awake
    yawns, stretches, and begins to blaze

    I stare at the candle and think
    Face shrouded by my hoodie
    The candle flame burns through today
    Ashes of a long, hopeless day

    Heat gently slides over my mask
    tugs at the edges, melting through
    Mask dripping down my face
    tears start to trickle out

    A blast of wind quenches the light
    I am revealed as a mere soul
    Unmasked, cold, and exposed
    Alone, and enveloped in darkness

    Sea/Ocean, ring, ghost

  • Star replied to Obscure
    3 years ago

    You should post this, it’s soooo goood!!!!

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Obscure
    3 years ago

    ^ Awesome to see you posting and back on here, Obscure!

    She wore the sapphire
    ring she proposed to me
    with, the night that she
    went missing. I found her
    ghost sailing on the San
    Francisco Bay, and she
    promised that whatever
    body of water I traveled to,
    she would find me, for her
    heart belong to oceans
    far deeper than the love I
    could provide.


    coffee mug, yellow backpack, worm

  • nouriguess replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    Thursday grabs me
    by the chin,
    glares at my eyes
    for minutes before
    tightening his fist, and
    spitting insomnia in
    my coffee mug,

    the image of that house
    in my head, walls
    like old skin, loud love,
    turmeric and oud smells.
    your face in the light
    of the fireplace, your lips
    and laugh lines, the yellow
    backpack on the kitchen chair
    waiting to go with you back
    to the battle,

    my heart, like a worm
    swimming in salt,

    thinks of you.


    Net, whiskey, basket

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to nouriguess
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Fisherman’s End (syntuit)

    The whiskey netted
    inside my despondency
    filled a vile basket.


    Cookie, bronze, intercome

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    i used to bake cookies in the
    middle of the night to distract
    my demons, summer heat
    pooling between the empty,
    open spaces of my skin.

    i remember hearing your voice
    echo and reach every avenue
    of my brain, like listening
    to the intercom alert me i had
    a visitor, but this visitor (you)
    are wanted. needed even.

    and i will never forget the
    ways i continued to push you
    away, your bronze arms begging
    to steady my veins, because you
    saw too much. you stripped me
    raw and i was too vulnerable
    for even the most forgiving eyes.


    plastic straw, lint, phone charger

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    I found memories of you
    dusted all over the junkyard.
    Lint stuck to your favorite
    cardigan, a plastic straw
    separated from your coffee
    tumbler, as you switched
    to metal straws and vowed to
    be a better advocate for the

    I pillage through the rubble
    of your Volkswagen Cabriolet,
    knowing loss cannot be suddenly
    turned into treasures.

    Your phone charger dangles
    from my left pocket, your phone
    in my right, and I keep stalling.

    Once I recharge and hear your
    voice, I'll listen to your vows
    over and over, the only evidence
    that you were ever mine.


    empty bird's nest, peppermint tea, pencil case

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    Sorting through the piles of old stuff
    Jessica left for us to donate to Goodwill;
    the memories promise it will get rough
    school notebooks, a pencil case, paid bills.

    Better make some peppermint tea
    to tackle our little bird's cluttered mess
    put some bourbon in a cup for me
    not sure I'm ready for an empty nest.

    statue of Buddha, radio, surge protector