
  • Kips2.0
    1 year ago

    Hi Guys,

    For those of you who's never met me, probably 99% of you, I'm Kips!

    I've been a member since 2011 (12-yrs). But you know how life takes you on a long scenic road with interesting events that make you forget about everything else? Yup, that happened to me. So I was gone for some years (5-6 years). I popped in about a year ago, but then I forgot my username and password. But now I'm back!

    So between then (2011) and now what has changed in my life?
    1. I finished college
    2. Got my first job out of college working with teenagers (fun times!)
    3. Switched careers, and went from an Instructor & Org. Dev. Mgr to a Data Analyst.
    4. Got married.
    5. Bought a house.

    ...but hey guys, the story continues. Hopefully, my new works will show a bit of maturity from my new/adult experiences. I may be a bit rusty though, so please be kind. ;)

    I hope my friends of old are still here. I slid into some of their DMs. So please respond when you get my DMs. I'm just curious to know what's happened in your life since we last chatted.

    SO's your turn:
    If you are a returnee like me, please share your story! I know you didn't ask for mine, but I enjoyed sharing anyway. So please do share yours with us.

    And yup, I'm nosey like that! ;)

  • BOB GALLO replied to Kips2.0
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    Welcome back. Best of wishes in your life adventures and poetical ones as well.

  • Mr. Darcy replied to Kips2.0
    1 year ago

    Hi Kips,

    Like you, I've recently returned from a break-away. For a variety of reasons I come and go, and that suits me. For now, I'm back...

    The last 2 years have seen me start a new job (6 months ago) which now means I no longer commute for 4 hours a day. Provide support to my mum who has been suffering recently with her mental illness. My personal relationship with my partner of 14 years is rocky, but we are working on it. My son's health is fragile and he is regularly unwell. In fact, I'm writing this from his hospital bed. Writing for me is a way of keeping a journal, whilst enjoying the creative release.

    It's nice being back - I've missed you all.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    1 year ago

    The PnQ is like ancient commerce on the sea. People leave on their personal voyages and return with treasures of life experiences for all to share. Glad to see all of you returning for this trip around.

    For myself, at 73, my thoughts turn to loose ends and how to tie them up in meaningful ways. I've shifted my law practice to Estate Planning more than litigation - sleeping easier for it. Traveling with my wife still and enjoying not just an empty nest, but an empty city now that the youngest has moved with her husband and fur-babies to Lincoln, Nebraska.

    I've finished my third book, Finding Freedom, and am supposed to be formatting it for Amazon - not in much of a rush. I have about 200+ unposted poems for book four I must winnow through & select the better ones. My plan, as with the first two books, is to publish the novel & poetry book at the same time. Maybe mid-summer.

  • Everlasting
    1 year ago

    Welcome back

  • Sunshine
    1 year ago

    Welcome back ! To you, Mr Darcy, and everyone else! Some literally left PnQ and others metaphorically, like myself. I don't contribute much to the writing section anymore but at the same time I am around. We've all had so much going on during the past 10 years. It's called life I guess.

    Very happy for your Larry! Congrats on the new book!

    Mr Darcy, I hope your son gets better soon. It must be challenging to take care of both your mom and son and maintain your personal relationship. I admire your strength and hope everything gets better soon.

  • Poet on the Piano
    1 year ago

    Welcome back, Kips! Great to see returnees; it's awesome to see updates and poets come back, and hopefully find peace in sharing their work again here.

    Mr. Darcy, thinking of you and your family. Sending lots of support. And Larry, cannot contain my excitement for the novel and poetry book!

  • Hazel (Dancing Rivers) Phillips-Dube replied to Mr. Darcy
    1 year ago

    Oh my friend I'm so sorry to hear about all the troubles you're facing. I pray that they will be overcome ????

  • Hazel (Dancing Rivers) Phillips-Dube
    1 year ago

    Hi guys.

    I'm a returnee too. I've been on and off, mostly coming here to seek hope and inspiration as I've dealt with depression, financial strains, processing the decay of my nearly 8 year relationship with my children's father, legal issues, poor physical health. It's just been going on.

    On the bright side, I've begun writing a book, a novel. With a very good friend and popular Wattpad author with a history of quite a few physically published books throughout the years. He's been mentoring me, councelling me, guiding me and just being a damn good friend and much needed in this time. I'm halfway through my novel.

    It's good to be here and I'm going to do my best to try be here more often. I miss you all.

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Hazel (Dancing Rivers) Phillips-Dube
    1 year ago

    Good for you!

    Writing a novel is an accomplishment. I hope you see it through with vigor and joy.