• Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago


    ok so this is a contest for quotes.. whoever post the best quote wins.. It'll stop at 40 quotes..

    1) 15 of yourf quotes voted on
    2) 10 of you quotes voted on
    3) 5 of your quotes voted on

    Theres no rules besides have fun!!


  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Fate is not the deterrant. It is the excuse.

  • J Lau
    18 years ago

    It's a shame when you break a heart,
    but it's sad when you fail to realize what you had only after you lost it... forever.

  • End Of Eternity
    18 years ago

    # If together WE stand, then why when divided
    only I fall??

    # Silence really speaks louder than words
    That's why words unspoken hurts!

    # Forget about being a Poet.....If you don't know what is Pain!!

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Though I cannot give him my hand to hold, Long ago, I gave him my heart to keep. -Stefhy

    Nothing is more unbearable than being let down by the ones you love, except perhaps letting down the ones that love you. -Stefhy

    The littlest man with the littlest strength, could hold the world...if only you gave him the littlest of love. -Stefhy

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    You laugh at my weakness . . . Not knowing that my weakness is you.

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    The darkness suffocates me.
    It haunts my dreams and
    destroys my waking hours.

  • melly xx
    18 years ago

    A poem is a silent voice that is heard with words.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    A broken heart continues to beat...

  • David Marshall
    18 years ago

    I usually look life into the eyes and know it will get better...but those damn eyes are shut...and all i see is darkness

  • Adriana
    18 years ago

    ...i took mines out cause i am noticing some people plaguerizing......

  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago

    Friends are forever
    guys are whatever
    when worst comes to worst
    my girls come first!!!


  • Allison
    18 years ago

    Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.

    Barbara Tuchman

    *This is my all time favorite quote. I found it when looking for quotes for a school project.

    18 years ago

    # Expectations are like a glass of wine-

    If filled upto the brim - it harms you but you are happy.

    If limited to one peg - you are in your senses.

    If silent and empty - you are gained but you are not satisfied.

    # Me" and "You" makes the community,
    "Us" makes the world.
    "Mine" and "Yours" makes the presence,
    but "Our" makes it worth.

    # LOVE is not just the feeling of loving someone but......
    its more of a feeling of fear to loose that someone...

    #Why do we always say that LOVE is priceless ,whereas we always have to pay for that...

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    It would be foolish for an acorn to try and make itself a bigger acorn when, deep down, it is an oak.

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    Sadness is everlasting pain that remains in the heart~

    Copyright ©2005 Tisha


    More than words can say....
    I miss you
    More than words can say....
    I want you here with me
    More than words can say....
    I want you by my side
    More than words can say....
    my heart aches
    More than words can say....

    Copyright ©2005 Tisha


    You say that it is my feelings that you are trying to spare,
    but why? Where my feelings were is now empty and bare!~


  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago

    " Many people will walk into your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    Love is giving someone the power of destroying you but trusting them enough with hope and faith they won't take it...

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    Is it wrong for someone to love someone they are told they shall neve have or does that just make the chase even mor exciting??

  • pseudo
    18 years ago

    && being emotionless may be better then feeling brief happiness only to feel prolonged pain later...


  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    Waking up dissolves your certainty.

    Everything starts without knowing the end.

    Intuition knows only what it has managed to learn.

    And you know it's kind of sad how happy I am that all my favorite songs are about him.

    Anyway, the point is that I had something really good to say, but it all became unintelligible babble.

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Growing old is mandotory. Growing up is optional.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Die when your the happiest person alive- Give someone else a chance!

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    there are 46 quotes

    *i think*


  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago

    are you going to judge?

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago


    They were all really good... i liked them alot.. i couldnt figure out which ones i liked best for 3rd place so 3rd place is shared..

    1st place: Me- Though I cannot give him my hand to hold, Long ago, I gave him my heart to keep. -Stefhy

    2nd place: lindsay woods- " Many people will walk into your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

    3rd place: Kristen- If I gave you the {{ c h a n c e }}
    to look into my eyes
    && ||||.s.e.e.|||| my pain,
    Would you { t.a.k.e } it?

    Me-The littlest man with the littlest strength, could hold the world...if only you gave him the littlest of love. -Stefhy

    Bob Shank-"be thankful for today, for tomorrow may be worse, and yesterday is just a memory"

    Thanks to everyone who entered .. Keep it up!! i'll do the votes.. as soon as i can.. either today or tommorrow..


  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago


  • Void
    18 years ago

    Hey! First of all I wanted to say thankyou very much :), I appreciate it alot and I'm sure the others do too. Though, being that I won first place, is it fair that I win again in third?.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining and I can't thankyou enough, but there are some very deserving quotes on that list... Infact, so deserving that I'm gonna go do some myself :). Thanks again, and excellent job to everyone! -Stefhy

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    ok ive got all the prizes out thanks for everyone who entered..

  • Adriana
    18 years ago

    ummm melissa that quote that you wrote that said

    friends are forever
    guys are whatever
    when worst comes to worst
    my girls come first

    that was my quote and i made it up and now i see it on here...isn't that called plaguerizing....that is very wrong that you took my quote.....i am very dissapointed... that is not your work!!!!!!!!!!

  • Adriana
    18 years ago

    yeah i know...i mean if somebody is going to steal something from someone else then at least give the real author credit...like put they're name at the bottom or something...i mean don't people feel even a least bit guilty?I just don't understand......

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    Never steal someone's work. If you read some people's work here, some of them you can tell work so hard on their stuff and then another person just takes it without feeling guilty or anything. Honestly there was a poem on this site that's been around for a while to. It's called: Daddy's day at school.

    (For lindsay woods)

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    Hey guess what Melissa DID make that up, Cuz I helped her!! We made it up in 6th grade which was 3 years ago, so how bout you know what your talking bout before you open your mouth!! Thanks


  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago

    Sluvious by the way the rules never said it had to be your mown work (WICH MINE WAS) so second place isnt a fraud!!! So why dont you go and mine your own buisness and BACK OFF!!!

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    *shakes head*

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    hey i never picked hers!! and i said nothin mean to you sluvious so leave me out of it!!

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    its fine.. thanks though