Losing interest

  • Adelle
    16 years ago

    I started writing poetry about a year ago then I stopped for a few months and over the last few months I have been writing a lot more than I ever have in the past I always loved reading and writing poetry but over the last couple of weeks I have began to lose interest even though I loved writing can any one help me

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    Take a break.

    Try doing things you love to do, and make sure anything you think of is written down immediately.

    Same happens to me.

    I think it just goes off and on... maybe it changes with the season, or the weather.

    Who knows, but just know this: You're not alone. =]

    Good luck!


  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    Yeah! right i second above

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago


    Try reading my article on Writer's Block.

    It's not the best written, but the techniques I present DID help me get through mine =]

    (and no, I'm not necessarily promoting)

  • Twisted Heart
    16 years ago

    This has happened to me from time to time. I didn't write anything for almost 5 years and then I just sat down one day and wrote about 7 poems.

    Give yourself a rest. It might do you good.

  • Somber Esprit
    16 years ago

    Don't worry about it! just take a break! I went 8 months between posts, wrote ONE poem, then went another 5 months with no inspiration. I'm back on track now, but you really shouldn't worry about it. I think i'm a better writer now, because of the break.

  • Sweet Fragility
    16 years ago

    I have the same problem. Thanks for all the advice, people. ^

  • SunDown Sky
    16 years ago

    Well dont "panic" ..

    first of all poetry is a form of art, so if u're not inspired.. why bother?.. just for the sake of writing?..
    second of all write when you feel like you need to,.. when you need to express yourself, do it out of pleasure, not cause you force yourself to,.. poetry is mostly a hobby, why turn it into a frustration?

    dont worry, inspiration will come, once a poet at heart,.. always a poet. :P

  • claire
    16 years ago

    Sometimes when you take a break your style develops and your writing is better for it. just wait til you get a great inspiration =)

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    Yeah! i sometimes experience that one, but I try my best to write even 1 poem a day, the happenings around me esp interesting phenomena.


  • X Kashies Misery X
    16 years ago

    Ive been writing all my life and im so over it..
    think ive over done it 2.. same as music and all.....
    lyf sucks

  • Chemically Corrupted
    16 years ago

    Its just a writers block..

  • xXMohawkedMahemXx
    16 years ago

    Yes sounds like a break is needed.. or like the others said it could be writers block.. just give yourself a little break...

    it may help

  • homebound
    16 years ago

    Break...try something else...and who knows your experiences you have doing other things will inspire you and help you create a master piece

  • Krathia
    16 years ago

    You're probably just out of juice. I think it happens to everyone; you just need a break from writing altogether. Have some fun, your muse went off for a vacation. It'll come back.

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    15 years ago

    I've had a writer's block for over a year.
    And frankly, it's a blessing.
    Why? Because it means that I can talk openly about whatever I'm feeling with the people close to me.

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    15 years ago

    Most people stop writing because they're out of ideas. It's easy to call it writers block, but I think of it as "psychic laziness": If you were driving a car somewhere and the road came to a dead-end you wouldn't just sit there until it wasn't a dead-end, you'd find another route.

    Writing is like that. If you've lost the will or the inspiration to write, find some new way to get it back if you care enough. I started to lose the will to write a year or more ago, and moved back to stories and blogging. This really did set the ball rolling and I've written 20 or more poems in the last month or two. Unfortunately most were garbage and will never be read by a soul! :-)

  • Dan Bloom
    15 years ago

    I think possibly it could be what he says... psychic laziness... although I had the same problem as you and I got over mine by some sudden burst of inspiration. lol I found an amazing girl and I wanted to write again. It is almost like she was my inspiration.
    You can find inspiration in anything so maybe you just aren't doing enough! haha maybe its not psychic laziness... but just pure laziness! hmmm maybe haha

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    I think many writers go through this, i know i did and all that helped was just stop writing for a while, i stopped writing for almost a year i think. and now i have suddenly got the motivation and lots of new ideas for my poems. xxx

  • Coldstone
    15 years ago

    Take a break and relax! Do whatever pleses u then when u find some inspiration or when u get motivated only then think about writing.

  • XxBR0K3NxX
    15 years ago

    READiiNG//WRiiTiiNG AGAiiN.

  • Linda Kennedy
    15 years ago

    Yes, I am new here, just wanted to say....I am an English teacher and do not like to read! I force myself to read text style that I have really not much intrest in...I will say however, I love English and the English language.
    Stick with it...English is loosing it's audience
    Remember Jim M. From the "Doors"
    Live by the sword and die by the sword.

  • Ixora
    15 years ago

    I think its all part of the process

    sometimes i write ten poems a day and sometimes i dont write for months or years...whenever i come back i feel more powerful with my message though my words may lack practice but i get back in the groove quickly.

    what always makes me write is when something really bad or overwhleming happens. thats my inspiration i think...so i think if you really want to write but cant ...find the reason you write in the first place and then go from there.

    hope that make sense.


  • Silent Voice and Tender Heart
    15 years ago

    I have found that I write better when I am sad. I know that has to be a little strange but that is just me. Sometimes I can write when I am content. Just recently, I went a month without writing anything and then I wrote 3 poems in 2 days. I take mine in phases.

    You definitely have to find what inspires you and go from there.

  • Deana
    15 years ago

    If you feel inspired to write,then write but if you don't just relax it will return!

  • David ODonnell
    15 years ago

    Prehaps you feel that you are 'trying' to write poetry, you should never force it. I suggest you take a break for awhile and experience more in life.

  • Bre Monique
    15 years ago

    Don't force it. The poetry probably won't come out as good in the end that way. Take a break and carry around a pencil and paper in your back pocket. Ideas and inspiration can come at the weirdest times.

  • Nic39uy
    15 years ago

    Yeah don't force yourself to write when you can't, it should just come to you, like a calling. besides if you write constantly you're going to run into dead ends and be frustrated and be discourage to finish that piece. take a break from it, it's not like anyone is rushing you or anything, unless you got a GF that's making you do otherwise lol. but yeah take your precious time, and let the signs and inspiration come to you. then continue to write.

  • Invited
    15 years ago

    Take a break from it and decide what you would like to do.

  • Wolf Haines
    15 years ago

    When is was 17 i used to write about 8 poems a day. then somethings happened in my life which took me away from writing. havent wrote one since. i dont plan on forcing one out either. it will come to you again. dont worry.

  • ilu
    15 years ago

    It's normal. The same thing happens to me, too. But don't worry. Your love for writing poems will come back.

  • Lori
    15 years ago

    Right when you feel like it:) If you write when you don't like it, then why write?