Multiple Chance Contest

  • Vincent Thornsberry
    16 years ago

    This will be my first contest I have hosted. It will be a multi contest. Each poem gets three people. I will select an over all top three winners for the whole contest, as well as a winner for each poem title, so you have multiple chances to win, once for the poem title and once for the over-all contest.
    Dead line is set for January 31. If I get all the slots filled before then, then I will judge sooner. And to aanswer your question yes you can win multiple times
    I only have a few rules.
    1. I would like your poem to be new and original.
    2. i don't care which format you write it in.
    3. Have fun doing so.
    4. I will allow three people per poem
    5. You can enter multiple poems (must be under different titles)
    First place for over all contest 10 r/r/c
    Second place for over all contest 5 r/r/c
    Third place for over all contest 2 r/r/c

    First place for individual poem titles 5 r/r/c
    Second place for individaul poem titles 2 r/r/c

    Here is the list of titles you can choose from:

    New Kid (full)
    1. xoOrdinaryGirlox
    2. Lost and Confused
    3. Synh

    A Bond Like This (full)
    1. SecludedSerendipity
    2. Serendipity
    3. .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Good Riddence
    1. xPinkDizzyTeacupx

    My Undying Love (full)
    1. Tempted
    2. mOnStRiToS pRiNcEsS
    3. Sweet liq

    Realization (full)
    1. xoOrdinaryGirlox
    2. Tammie
    3. TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    My Promise to You (full)
    1. Tempted
    2. Lost and Confused
    3. U break me Piece by Piece

    Your Wall (full)
    1. xPinkDizzyTeacupx
    2. SarahDale
    3.XxRomancing the Darker SidexX

    1. NyellMoonlight
    Abuse (full)
    1. Beautiful Chaos
    2. ReproducedByIntelligence
    3. SarahDale

    Betrayal (full)
    1. Rex Hunter
    2. FridusBlueheaven
    3. NightmareChild

    Run Free (full)
    1. Gem
    2. Rex Hunter
    3. GothicVampyress

    Unhinged (full)
    1. Jess
    2. silhouette of something unimagin
    3. NightmareChild

    The Choice (full)
    1. Serendipity
    2. Polaroid
    3. GothicVampyress


    Lost (full)
    1. mOnStRiToS pRiNcEsS
    2. xoOrdinaryGirlox
    3. FridusBlueheaven

    Stupid Pup
    1. silhouette of something unimagin

    1. silhouette of something unimagin
    2. GothicVampyress

    The Wind (full)
    1. xoOrdinaryGirlox
    2. ReproducedByIntelligence

  • NyellMoonlight
    16 years ago


    Thanks :)

  • SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA
    16 years ago

    May I reserve:

    "My Undying Love"




  • Jenni Marie
    16 years ago

    Good riddence and your wall please.

  • dollwithafrown
    16 years ago

    "A Bond Like This", please. :)

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    Abuse please

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    Err.. I'm not sure how many you can choose.

    So.. I'm choosing 3.. If the max is 2.. take off number 3 for me. Thanks. :)

    1. Lost
    2. The Wind
    3. Realisation

    Thanks. xoOrdinaryGirlox

  • Teria
    16 years ago

    The Wind.

  • Teria
    16 years ago

    The Wind.

    Wings like eagles fly out of my sides,
    and my elegant hair's on a carnival ride.
    Burning eyes shut too tight, creating tears -
    and, the wind it blows away all my fears.

    Lighting the darkness with complete silence,
    like fireflies that so peacefully dance -
    A path for you and I to walk and speak,
    brought to you buy a vanished freak.

    With fangs about his yellow face,
    and holes around his lonely place.
    Fighting back tears, the once cared for -
    burnt a blazing fire to heat the core.

    All words from his mouth seem a bit too weak,
    and they scream the thoughts we dare not speak.
    He knows the end just as you and I,
    and for some odd reason he began to cry:

    The beauty that filled the earth that night,
    brought to you by the wind on flight.
    Charming words and silent wonder,
    crashed down upon lighting and thunder.

  • Sweet lig
    16 years ago

    I choose MY UNDYING LOVE.............pls!


  • Sweet lig
    16 years ago

    Hi! i had already made this poem just now here it is...

    title: MY UNDYING LOVE
    author: Sweet Lig

    Despite the hurts and misery
    That Ive been through
    I still love you...

    Though this heart breaks into pieces
    And filled with sorrow either
    I still love you...

    No matter how many times I get hurt?
    How many glasses of tears I cry?
    I still love you...

    Yeah! Even if I go through all this pain
    And ruin my life, I dont care!
    I still love you...

    Cause this is MY UNDYING LOVE...
    Today, tomorrow and forevermore!

    i wrote this poem just now and it was about my past actually its just short but hope u will like it.. thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    Title: The Wind
    Written by: xoOrdinaryGirlox

    Together through the storm we reach the shore,
    Against the rocks; The ocean swaying,
    The wind rushing by like music playing,
    Playing a song heard never like before.

    You open your eyes and look wide around,
    I take your hand and hold it close to me,
    Wishing I had no other place to be,
    I dance with you without making a sound.

    The wind dying down; The storm settling,
    Imaginary music fades away,
    The day dawns with me wanting it to stay,
    Our eyes lock in the perfect setting.

    Its amazing how the sound of the wind,
    Can alter ones vision, ones dreams, ones mind.

    ~~I based the form upon a shadow sonnet, but i changed the rhyming scheme a bit.

    10 sylables per line.. 14 lines
    Rhyming.. ABBA CDDC EFFE GG

  • FridusBlueheaven
    16 years ago

    I'd love to have "Lost" "Betrayal" and "The Wind"

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    I'll have "Abuse" and "Your Wall" please

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    Title: Realisation
    Written by: xoOrdinaryGirlox

    I sit here with my arms full of old scars,
    As I really thought that would help me through,
    All of the time I was think of you,
    I still hate the thought of being apart.

    I loved you; I never showed it enough,
    A million tears cannot bring you back,
    I've tried; It's that certain something they lack,
    And I know they will never be enough.

    But now one thing I've come to realise,
    No matter how many tears I've to cry,
    No matter how very hard I've to try,
    You are never coming back to our lives.

    The years you've lived which are so very few,
    We will always be thinking about you.

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    Can I also reserve 'New Kid' please?

    Thanks.. xoOrdinaryGirlox

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    Title: New Kid
    Written by: xoOrdinaryGirlox

    A strange place, never been before
    All new strange faces, not wanting to adore.

    Why did I move? Couldn't I have stayed?
    I was happy, but to move I was made.

    As to why though, I wonder myself
    As I sit and stare, at the pictures on my shelf.

    Those human beings, not worth my breath
    With all my might I hope, they fall into sudden death.

    A little crushed soul, by those people I trusted
    My own little world, I become encrusted.

    If different cultures clash, are not meant to mix
    How come now, I've been here since I was six?

    Another month on though, I write this now seven
    Hope and pray, I'm not here until eleven

    Why am I different? Why do I get called names?
    No-one to answer, just pictures in frames.

    I'm fed up now, of always being different
    Tired of all the new places, I am being sent.

    Please let me go home; I hope I will one day
    Mum I hope you can hear, for me can you pray?

    So yet another day, yet another tear to cry
    Should I sit and wonder why, or stand and try?

    [[New Entry]]
    [[Original removed because I wrote something better]]

  • FridusBlueheaven
    16 years ago

    Title : Betrayal
    Written By : Fridus Blueheaven

    Trustworthy fellow, I haven't seen your face recently
    Or I have lost all of you, life changed so drastically
    I know you might be hiding through the painted soul
    Lately I can't find love and I got my little world so cold

    Trustworthy fellow, you all have gone without a trace
    Left me all alone, I'm on my own in this beautiful place
    I know it's been too hard that I've been lost in the haze
    I'm overwhelmed with confusion, got everything in daze

    Trustworthy fellow, were that you back stabbed my heart?
    Were that you make it fell to pieces, turned into broken part?
    Were those you, the one that has put my life to this hard?
    Where's the kindness we used to share in our friendship art

    Trustworthy fellow, have I done you all so wrong?
    Lately I can't find you there and oh it's been so long
    Or did you think that this friendship were not strong?
    Maybe you realize I was not a friend that you belong

    Trustworthy fellow, have I done same mistake I did before?
    Where the magical kindness of yours that I used to adore?
    Or maybe we just can't save this beautiful friendship anymore?
    I'm done with your betrayal, is that thing what you looking for?

    2007 Blueheaven Entertainment (c)

  • FridusBlueheaven
    16 years ago

    Title : Lost
    Written By : Fridus Blueheaven

    I'm lost in all of sudden, can't find the way
    Hardly move but I believe in another day
    Vibes are growing right underneath my skin
    Dreams are fading through places I've been

    I'm lost in all of sudden, it's killing me
    I'm willing to smile, but can't hardly see
    Faded flowers are still growing through night
    But then I'm blinded with a flashing light

    I'm lost in all of sudden, it's really hurt
    In a lonely place, I see those shepherds
    I've tried to speak, but I lost all my words
    Voices are too loud but they're never be heard

    I'm lost in all of sudden, can't find way back
    Unite the pieces but then slowly they're cracked
    Wrongs are everywhere and there's no more fact
    Whites are gone and then I'm back to black

    2007 Blueheaven Entertainment (c)

  • FridusBlueheaven
    16 years ago

    Title : The Wind
    Written By : Fridus Blueheaven

    A southern wind came into my broken soul
    It will always there, when I got no one to hold
    Save my broken heart, when the days turn so cold
    The feelings are gone but all the memories unfold

    A southern wind gave me the power to be strong
    It will be by my side when everything turns so wrong
    A little friend that I'm looking for it for so long
    Misty piece where the lonely heart used to belong

    A southern wind gave me a little inspiration
    When the world is so unkind, it's helpless emotion
    Don't know where to go, don't know my devotion
    But it'll always there to save me from the mission

    A southern wind simply bruised with lonely heart
    Mystically gone and I saw everything torn apart
    Took me to another place, shown me a different part
    Told me the right way, another way to make it start

    And now, I see it's gone through the lonely night
    A southern wind will never here to be by my side
    Maybe that I've already found another guiding light
    But, I'll always remember you deep in my heart

    2007 Blueheaven Entertainment (c)

  • Tammie
    16 years ago

    Can I please have Realisation? I just wrote this poem & it fits the title so I thought I'd enter it. Thanks :]


    I'm craving those words I wished you'd never say
    And I'm missing everything in between and beyond
    I said it would be okay, that I would be okay
    Didn't I ever tell you I'd lie just so you'd respond?

    But that all backfired on me now, nothings left
    I should've known you'd steal everything I had
    That you're guilty of the accusations of theft
    'Cause my heart and happiness is broken and sad

    You promised you'd come back for me,
    That we'd stay friends until that day came.
    Now I'm trying for you so desperately,
    Wishing so much more than I'd claim

    But wishes don't come true these days
    And this tension is starting to build-up
    Tonight I tried my one final way
    Now I've realised I should just give up.

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    Just passing by to say HI!

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    By the way. . . gud luck to all

  • NyellMoonlight
    16 years ago


    She whispers these erotic illusions
    (the words I'd never say)
    coloring world in crimson,
    enwrapping me into velvet syllables.
    ... silky moments glide down the lips of delight
    injecting sweet poisons directly into blood,
    mutilating sighs with liquid anticipation...
    Temptations flash inside the veins
    and the stars follow her notions,
    weaving purple cosmic performances.
    Lies drip along with musical allurements,
    appreciating longings carved into skin.

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    I'll do:

    *Your wall

  • .K.i.T.t.Y.
    16 years ago

    Right now I want to reserve A Bond Like This. thanks.

  • SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA
    16 years ago

    My Undying Love

    In the hour before the morning,
    I walk past your door.
    I send a special prayer,
    To the room we both adore.
    And though my mind is there with you,
    My body takes me home.

    I wish for a love,
    And my love is you.

    So welcome me love,
    My name is lonely.
    I tell you this babe.
    I think of you only.

    And times when we have trouble,
    And we left each other down,
    I know we can make it babe,
    Just as long as you're around.

    So welcome me love,
    My name is lonely,
    I tell you this my undying love,
    I think of you only.

    .:CiNdY LoPeZ:.
    .:Jan. 5, 2008:.

  • SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA
    16 years ago


    She's just a young little girl,
    With only 16 years of age.
    She has nowhere to run to,
    Except to the arms of a strange man.

    She could of have the world,
    But instead chose the life she has.
    With the look she gives them,
    She can make a man do anything.

    She lives her lonely life,
    Full of deep fear,
    No one can stop her,
    With the awful mistakes she does.

    Now her looks have gone away,
    And nonody wants her anymore.
    She should've stayed at home,
    But now she's just a lost little girl.

    .:CiNdY LoPeZ:.
    .:Jan. 5, 2008:.

  • Im So OVER IT
    16 years ago

    Give me My promise to you and Lost

  • Im So OVER IT
    16 years ago

    Here is my poem for

    I cant hold it in.
    This pain is just to much.
    I grab the tensil and a rag.
    Its not my first time, so I
    wont brag. Cutting thats
    what I do. Its better than
    knowing the truth.Yeah
    Im Lost, But I dont want to
    be found

    I walk alone in the dark.
    Its my only way to get
    some peace. Hold on
    let me Puff some weed.
    Dont give me that look
    you dont know me. This
    is the only way get rid of
    the pain. Yeah Im Lost.
    But I dont want to be found.

    Parties is what I do. Getting
    wasted gets me through the
    night. What you want to fight?
    Thats what I thought. Just another
    wuss. Get outa my Face Im not the one
    to Save.

    No way he could ever love me. My life's
    to much of a wreck. But I'll go to your
    church just one time.

    Ifelt him tugging at me. All of my sin
    that Ive done, is my conviction. He
    wants to open his arms for me. I
    think I'll let him in. Yeah Im Lost.
    But Im Lost in Love for God

    this is not about me, but my friend Adam

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    16 years ago

    Your Wall please. :)

  • Im So OVER IT
    16 years ago

    Here is My PRomise to you

    I remember that night
    We talked on the phone
    for the first time. You and
    I it felt right. You said you
    would not cheat or hurt me
    too deep. You always said
    this is My promise to you.

    later on. You told me
    you loved me. And that I was
    everything. You even said to
    not be scarred cuz you wouldnt
    leave. You always said This is MY
    Promise to you.

    I get a call. You sound so broken
    like something was wrong. You
    did what I never would expect.
    You broke every Promise.

    Im sorry but I have to Move on.
    Maybe someday we'll meet up
    in this world. When everything
    heals up. But deep down I will
    always love you. This is My Promise
    to you...

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    16 years ago

    Your Wall

    Your wall is painted pink,
    The brightest that I've seen.
    No cracks or flaws about it,
    Where you store your memory.

    Filled with posters of the famous,
    Magazine cut-outs of the richest elite.
    Boys in the bands, you love them all
    Meeting one would be a treat.

    You've got self-defence tactics
    In the rare case of a fight.
    When dealing those punches,
    You've got to move right.

    But best of all are the pictures
    But not the ones of new trends
    Empty space you fill
    With pictures of friends

    So let me say it, friend:
    I'm proud to be
    Right there on your wall,
    For everyone to see.

  • Gem
    16 years ago

    Run free please

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago


    The things you do to me,
    Filling up my veins,
    A subtle decay,
    In this world of disease.

    You have turned me upon myself.

    What lingers here in this abyss?
    Unwanted memories,
    Now forever necessary,
    Wrongs cannot be forgotten,
    History must echo.

    You are gone,
    But I remain,
    Punishing myself,
    Consumed by my selfish need,
    Though it will never be enough.

    To strike just one,
    Hardly a scratch upon the surface,
    I must find peace,
    Anger only consumes,
    Destroying focus.

    Serenity is found in change,
    I must change my thoughts,
    My circumstances,
    To find my place in this new world,
    A tainted oasis.

  • silhouette fairy
    16 years ago

    I don't know how much time i will have nor have i decided which title to pick so i'm going to go with reserving....
    Stupid Pup
    please and thank you :D
    dunno if i will have all three by then or just one or just two and if not all three i don't know which ones i will finish...

  • Vincent Thornsberry
    16 years ago

    Due to my lack of being on a computer very much the deadline for your poems has been extended to february 31. thatnk you all for your entries, and time.

  • Teria
    16 years ago


    From one charred heart to another,
    I seem to be doing just fine.
    I've traded my ashes in for beauty,
    and laid my sorrows down at rest.

    No other heart could take -
    the passion I have felt.
    Churning in my soul,
    causing me to melt.

    The effect you had on me,
    none the less, was small.
    A few pieces chipped away -
    and a few tears I cried each day.

    Burdens now are small,
    no fighting left to stress.
    I seem to be much better now,
    as abuse is laid to rest.

    You've stolen my past,
    but I've still got my future -
    it's waiting for me right now.
    And, I just know somehow . . .

    These are the last words for you.
    So, from one charred heart to another -
    I seem to be doing just fine.
    I've traded my ashes in for beauty,
    and laid my sorrows down at rest.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    16 years ago

    Realization please

  • Synh
    16 years ago

    New kid please :)