Vincent Thornsberry

About Vincent Thornsberry

My real name is Vincent. I am devoted to helping people in need. If you ever need someone to talk to pm me. you can call me anything but late for dinner. Other than that I don't care what I'm called. Im 24 years old, I really like poetry, I write some but not very often, I can only write when the poem slaps me in the face. I'm always looking for critique to make my work better. I also write stories. Mainly medieval fantasy. I joined because my (now ex) girlfriend told me I had a knack with writing and I should try my hand at poetry. I like to do active things that involve a lot of thinking. I enjoy puzzles and other such things. love to read. I couldn't live without books. or my horses. As i said earlier, I am devoted to helping those in need and I help in any way i can.

One thing that drives me up the wall is racial profiling and stereotyping. And another thing I really resent it when people say that all males "only care about sex" its bullshit. and I hate it when people say that. I still believe in chivalry, and hold strong to those beliefs. and I would appreciate it if people would get to know me before judging me. I love to cook, clean, play the flute, and do crafting things such as knit, crochet, tool leather and am currently working as a Blacksmith. I love horses and everything about them. I hope to one day join the ranks of the elite trainers of the world, not for the fame or glory of it, but for the fact that I will get to help a lot more horses. I finally joined a poetry club on this website and now I'm a proud member if the CC&P.

Profile of Vincent Thornsberry

  • Age : 24
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Oregon
  • Joined : Jul 27, 2007
  • Last Visit : 17 years ago
  • Poems : 38
  • Comments : 71
  • Quotes : 9
  • Posts : 403
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Vincent Thornsberry

  • Lost and alone I wander,
    Hither and over yonder...

  • Heart pounding,
    Mind hounding...

  • This was supposed to be a quote but it was too...
    There are times in your life that make you wish...

  • So scared I'm shaking
    Don't know what to do...

  • You are my star.
    I'd go however far...

Latest Quotes By Vincent Thornsberry

  • Always forgive but never forget

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • When life throws you lemons.........pick them up, and look for the wiskey.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • When in love with multiple people, lay down and cry cuz your screwed.

    16 years ago
    0 0

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