Choose what you do

by Khalid M Darwish   Aug 23, 2012

Life's a messenger,
loading what we introduced
between birth and death

* 5/7/5


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  • Life's a messenger

    Or perhaps we are life's messengers? We'll never know. lol
    I think what your suggesting here is destiny and all that suchness..? My interpretation anyways.

    Loading what we introduced

    That 'loading' really has me pondering this. Perhaps I am to drowsy to be analysing poems but, anyways.. here goes:
    loading = creating/building?
    introduced = invented/created/ our experiences?
    So life as a messenger (destiny/fate?) is recreating our life based on what we have experienced and what pathways we have chosen..?
    I hope I'm not completely off the mark here.. Eek!

    between birth and death

    We only live one life - we are born, we live, we die. Between life and death we live - choosing different pathways that will inevitably end in our death.
    See that would fit in with my theory. But obviously, I could be completely wrong.

    Well hopefully I haven't completely missed the meaning of the poem and made one up of my own. LOL
    You have chosen great vocabulary that (to me, at least) was thought-provoking instead of straight forward - which was enjoyable. (:

    Maybe add a comma/semicolon or something between lines... not absolutely necessary, but I think a pause would work okay between each line. And add a fulltstop to the end - I think this will emphasise the 'death' statement by offering a finality about the piece. Just suggestions.

    Brilliant as always. 5/5

    • 11 years ago

      by Khalid M Darwish

      A messenger is one who can forward or carry the required messages between two points, the sender and the receiver (or receiptor). He can be a human, an angel, an animal or even some imaginary things (like life, love. blood, etc.). Here in the poem I imagined that what we do in our world (no matter good or bad) our life loads it (carry it) starting from our birth submitting it to our death.