by Gary Jurechka   Jul 4, 2006

Ever have one of those days where
everything goes just perfectly? When
everyone you meet is smiling and friendly
and helpful, when you get the parking spot
nearest the door, and its payday, and the
mail only brings good news, and you have the
whole day to do as you please, and it's so
warm and bright that you can't help but
notice the pure blueness of the sky, and
revel in the wonder of life, and you're compelled
to run laughing through sun drenched fields
and feel so alive and everything is right
in the world, and you are so filled with
love and peace and contentment that it is
overwhelming to the point of unbearable ecstasy--
Ever have one of those days?

Well, I thought as I sighted my sniper rifle
in from my rooftop vantage point,
this sure the hell isn't one of them.

March 21, 1995


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