Half Past Dead

by Jenni Marie   Jul 20, 2014

It's been too long-far too long,
since doubts were able to force
their way to the surface and fight
you head on, since they...and I...
could fight back.

{You swallowed us

Somewhere deep down is a little
voice reminding me, urging me
to believe that you distort my

that you constantly lie about my
image and chanting constantly to
cease listening to your putrid poison.

It's never enough-and I know
I'll go to my grave loving you and
hating you, in equal measure.

Smoky and illusive, malicious and
treacherous broken promises rise,
surrounding and encircling
a frail figure; slowly suffocating it.

Red numbers flashing incessantly
in eerie blackness of an empty room
and I know without glancing;

it's half past dead.

**(Anorexia/bulimia poem)

*Prompts from Saffie's number game:

Half past dead
black promise
untamed love
mirage of life
reasonable doubt


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