Comments : A Hundred Photos on the Wall

  • 16 years ago

    by LitxUpxWithxLife

    I love your poem, I haven't graduated yet but i've gone to a different high school each year everyone more than 100 miles apart so i know how you feel with losing your friends. The word choice was prime, and the rythm flows very smooth. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Friendships growing apart often leaves you wondering not only why but also what if.

    I really like how you reflect upon the yester years and use photo's to show the reader how you are reminicing the past.

    The emotions that are displayed draws the reader in so they can feel your pain and sence of loss as well.

    I like the structure that you have put forth and each stanza told it's own story. This poem is very powerful and heartfelt.

    I hope that many will read this and strive even harder to keep their friendships growing instead of letting them evaporate in thin air.

    Well done


  • 16 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    The repetition of the first stanza at the end of the piece added great effect to the whole poem and rounded up the message that you excellently portrayed.
    The whole piece has very serene, natural flow. You did great job with rhymes, too.
    I like the topic that you picked, this was very touching poem for me because I felt like I can relate to it in so many ways.
    All in all, greatly done.
    5/5 from me

  • 16 years ago

    by Connie

    The flow was terrific throughout, and just very well written. Everytime I thought this or that was my favorite stanza I'd think the same thing in the next, so great job from beginning to end! Unfortunately I think the friendships from school years often do fade.

  • 16 years ago

    by Connie

    The flow was terrific throughout, and just very well written. Everytime I thought this or that was my favorite stanza I'd think the same thing in the next, so great job from beginning to end! Unfortunately I think the friendships from school years often do fade.

  • 16 years ago

    by robin milford

    I like this poem I have a few I still talk to from school call them get together with them they may miss u as much as u do them u don't know till you reach out

  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow Jamie, this was an outstanding write. The flow was flawless. And the choice of words was good. The overall depth of this poem is wonderfully portraied in an excellent way. Keep up the amazing works as always.

    Peace, Joe

  • 16 years ago

    by Normal is the Watchword

    While the inspiration around this poem is based on a true fact, for everybody in time, I just didn't feel it. You write all this happiness and it just seems repetitive with different words. At least for the first few stanza's. What about all those little fights between friends that never truley seemed to matter? Or those summer days goofing around? Try inserting your own personal memory into these words, where you thought just for a moment you'd want to capture it forever.

    I'd reccomened a rock song called, "Photograph" if you want to get what I'm suggesting.

  • 16 years ago

    by Alex

    I liked that one alot. The poem was great, and I also love when people put things like you did that the end of the poem. That just happened to me and my friends....I'm younger than most of my friends, because I've always acted older than I am. So now my friend Joe Joe went to college, and and moved to New York! And everyone else is starting to get ready for college. And I only see one of my friends now, Sarah she's my best friend, and she's 17. And! Ontop of all that, my boyfriend who is also 17, just moved to Ohio for until he comes back for college! So now I miss him constantly ontop of everyone else leaving! So that also related to me.


  • 16 years ago

    by AllHailTheHeartbreaker

    Beautiful poem; it truly expresses the speaker's feelings and give enough solid evidence to get a general image overall. However, there are definitely some analogies that could be inferred, deepening the actual text of the piece.

    Overall, wonderful. Definitely a great poem.


  • 16 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Sad...but at the same time...memorably happy. good job:)

  • 16 years ago

    by KIARA

    This is so true

  • 16 years ago

    by KIARA

    We all go through it your not the only one

  • 16 years ago

    by Lu

    I wish our eyes had opened,
    instead of waiting 'til too late.
    Suddenly our journey ended,
    as if written in our fate.
    This part is so very touching. If only we could turn back time and know what we know now.

    We all went on our separate roads,
    making new friends on the way.
    I must admit that since we split,
    I've not been quite okay.
    I can relate so well to this part. Though school ended for me some near 20 years ago, the friends I had then I no longer see but maybe once every 5 years. So very sad how you grow apart from the ones in which you held such wonderful memories.

    You have penned a piece with such deep emotion. Perhaps others that read this will remember your words when their last days of school arrive. And keep in touch with their friends before the time ticks away and all are left are the memories ....
    Wonderfully penned, great read

  • 16 years ago

    by dylyshus~(^_*)~

    I agree...same seem like i have no friend except me, myself. and i...i want to call them and hang out with them but it seem too busy to contact them and see how life is going?...i miss the old days...

  • 16 years ago

    by X Harlea X

    This is very good.keep it up.5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by tearsforeveryscar

    Thats great work. i can relate to this a lot. but there was one close friend that i just lost recently and it really hurts to see pics of us and what we used to be. 5/5 from me

  • 16 years ago

    by Sarah

    Wow.. your words are expressing exactly what I feel ! The heart ache, the flowing tears, & longing that we all feel...You summed up every graduate's feeling in these words that you penned....Thank you for writing such a great heartfelt poem ...

  • Firstly I would like to say how well you have written this poem :) I love how throughout the whole poem it flowed perfectly and the your vocab choice was brilliant! You capured your emotions amazingly!

    "We all went on our separate roads,
    making new friends on the way.
    I must admit that since we split,
    I've not been quite okay."

    The reason I chose the stanza above is because to this many can relate! That it seems no matter how close a friend can be things can change and we hea down the opposite track! I personally can relate to this and the feelings you potrayed are perfect!

    "We haven't spoken for some time
    and it really makes me question...
    Am I wrong for reminiscing,
    falling deep into depression?"

    Again this stana is relateable and your word choice here is brilliant! You make the reader think, ask this question to our selves; Are we wrong for reminiscing the times we shared just because the friendship is no longer there? Great stanza :)

    "I miss our days of friendship
    and our happy crazy times.
    They will stay with me forever,
    despite the sad goodbyes."

    This stanza braught a smaile as it carries on from the before and says that despite the friendship not being there any longer that you will not forget the time you shared as they were special at that time!

    "A hundred photos on the wall,
    each the best of memories,
    All that's left to remind me that
    The better days were these."

    A great ending to a great poem =) I love how you repeated the last stanza with the first! Great emotion, great imagery! Just overall a brilliant written poem!

    5/5 ~ This Mask I Hold Is Not Held Tight~

  • 16 years ago

    by Sourav

    I love this poem. Mainly because of the emotion you've shown through it. Also very well constructed line. Very well thought of poem. It touches the readers. Very well written.