As I Close My Eyes.

by Daphne Darling   May 27, 2004

As I close my eyes on yet another day, I am thinking to myself,
Thinking, will this be my last moment upon this desolate earth?
Will it all end for me now? Will I have to go through another day?
Can I close my eyes now and never open them ever again to this place?
But the next morning I wake at the break of dawn, to the sun and birds,
Every morning I wake up seeing I have to go through yet another day,
I wonder then if it is all worth the hassle to wake up of the morning,
As I walk out the door, I think of the place I have to spend most of the day at,
The school where no one wants me there, I know they want me gone,
I can see it in their faces, in the way they act, the way they talk to me,
I can see it through all the disguises, but still I come back every day to this,
I walk in to school, noticing very little of what is going on around me,
I am lost in what I am thinking, I have more important things to do,
I wonder around, waiting for the bell to ring, when it does I file in with the rest,
I stand and wait for the teachers to come and open the classes of the day,
I walk in and sit at my seat, I sit and wait for the work to come, doing it all,
As the day drags on I wait for the bell that tells me I can leave that place,
When the bell tolls, I smile, I walk out of the class I am in, and I go home for the day,
When at home I sit and ponder what next? Should I cut my wrist, and end it all now,
Should I wait and see another day, see if that day is any better? I know it won’t be,
So at the end of the day I decide wait and see what a new day will bring for me,
I close my eyes again, and as I close my eyes I feel a tear break free from me,
Then a flood of tears escapes my eyes, I can not stop them coming, and they just flow free,
I cry for the stupidity of the people around me, I cry for the innocence lost in fighting,
So on this night I fall into a sleep brought on by tears, hoping that my god takes mercy,
Tonight was my last night on this earth, because not once did someone care enough,
Not once did someone stop to chat, not once did someone care to stay and help me,
I was lost because I thought no one was there for me, I just hope this doesn’t happen to others.


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