A Perfect Sunset

by BEHROZE K PATEL   May 1, 2009

So tired of struggling the odds
For impossible dreams
And happiness that always eludes me

Love... faith...
Seem like the cruelest words
Just the very thought of them
Fill me with fear at the anticipated pain

Crowds bore and frustrate me
With their little snippets of life
I mean who cares?
It doesnt matter shit to me

I have no time for
Their incense chatters and opinions
Sharp and cutting pieces of my life
Lie on the ground all around me

Death seems so tempting
Like a favorite ice-cream
Promised to a child
For a visit to the dentist

Think a walk may clear my head
So I gather my coat and put on my shoes
Its a bit difficult to see
But hey tears are known to do so

Sometimes like now
The pain gets that bit more...
And then when people just interrupt...
Intrude...into your space

The urge to do bodily harm
Just gets to be so understandable
Besides my bruised knuckles
May just be the answer right now

Just the thought of that broken nose
Above that ever babbling mouth
Brings a crooked smile on my face
As I say my goodbyes and walk ahead

A setting sun, the cool blue sea,
A lone fishing boat at the horizon
All work their magical fingers
To soothe my troubled soul

Its lovely to watch
Nature wave it wand
I cannot help but wish for...
A perfect sunset...


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