Devotion.... Sunday 16/01/11 :) OUR GOD IS A MERCIFUL GOD

by maryann   Jun 28, 2011

A memory flashed before my eyes as a child jumping into a pool of mud splashing around and splattering everyone around me. Covering them with mud. I was enjoying myself not caring if I upset anyone.

Not until I slipped, hurt myself and lost my shoe. That's when my smile turned into a frown and I realized I can not go home covered in mud and bruises, and now with a missing shoe.

I still remember the fear I felt not knowing what my punishment will be.

God our merciful Heavenly Father. His great love reaches to the heavens above, his faithfulness reaches to the skies. God knows your pain, he sees how afraid you are too scared to turn back to him, he knows what kind of muddy puddles you've thrown yourself into.

In moments of misjudgment and over excitement hurt many around you. He knows exactly where you went wrong. Yet don't ever doubt his unfailing love for you.

God has searched you and knows you, before a word is on your tongue he knows it completely.

Our amazing Heavenly Father, sits on his throne with gracious majesty and up until this day continues to give us this little comforting promise in Psalm 145:17-9

"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries and saves them."

So without a doubt no matter how many things you've lost, no matter how ashamed you are remember God already knows everything about you. He knows what battles you've been through, he knows yet still he loves you.

As a child that day too scared to go home, not knowing if I should go or not. Scared of what's waiting for me.

With God you never have to worry what he will think of you, as long as you seek him in truth, he will restore whatever you've lost, he will renew you completely. There is nothing you should fear once his hand is holding yours.



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