Disapoint you

by Rhi   Mar 24, 2012

You do not fracking own me,
So don't act like you do,
Say a thing and mean it,
Not one standard for me,
Another one for you!

I'm sick to the teeth,
With how I'm being treated,
I hate that it seem ok,
For you to set me on some pedestal,
I'm hardly that conceited.

I have many flaws,
Most I thought you knew,
I don't really try to hide them,
I don't see the point,
Give me my fracking due!

Why would you set me a limit,
Way up in the fracking sky,
I never want to reach that way,
It's not what I'm about,
I thought you'd know I would never try.

I don't pretend to be what I'm not,
I've never seen the point,
I figured you knew me well enough,
To have seen my worser sides,
And yet I still disappoint!


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