Good Old Days

by TheDarkCloudBehindthePoet   Jul 25, 2013

I remember a time long ago back when I still woke up to "Gargoyles" and "He-Man" on tv,
Life was simple back in those days,
Your parents waking you up for school and you try your best to convince them to give you five more minutes,
breakfast was served as you walked out to the car with your Ninja Turtles bookbag with lunchbox to match,

It was school then homework with a splash of videogames followed by "Tom and Jerry" to tuck you in a night,
Repeating all steps for years, only changing your parents car to a magic school bus as you got older,
Whatever happened to those wonder years?
Could they have really disappeared like black and white from "I Love Lucy" or are they hiding in secret, waiting to comeback new and improved like "Thunder Cats?"

I know my best days aren't behind me, that I'm sure,
They're just laying in wait until you work hard enough to earn them back,
We all can remember these times,
But they are not gone, but are closer than meets the eye.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Wow, how true this poem is - I can certainly relate!

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was such a fun poem to read and your voice spoke strongly, reminiscing when you were a child. Nice inclusion with all the titles, that really added to the piece.

    I've never heard of some of these shows but I do know TMNT... and Tom & Jerry was a classic one I watched too!

    Last stanza: "Their" should be "They're".

    That's great how you wrap it up in the ending with a positive note as well as a good life lesson....we can have those moments of simplicity again, while we may think those days in the past are the best to remember, who knows what will be up ahead? Something even better.

    • 10 years ago

      by TheDarkCloudBehindthePoet

      Thank you P the P :) i just thought of my old days since i was with my dad eating a cold cut like we did when he was around more often and this just came to me. i will make the edit and thank you for the love :)