My Old Story

by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko   Mar 18, 2015

No, I don't mind
being greeted by Dandelions
under your funeral wreaths
as long as February
will always live
in my poetry.

You are my Icarus.
How precious it can be
when the song I heard
the moment you fell
will tick away
the times that have been frozen
inside an obscure hourglass?

Quaint and dainty,
your eyes are always storied.
They are meant to be brown...
and meant to be under the horizon
of forgotten glances.

You are the island of Crete
when my heart is Greece...
And when every dream
is meant to be violet,
you reap Lilacs while I'm asleep.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judging Comment

    The beauty of flowers and mourning a loss as and always will be beauty and a sign of renewal for me, I was taken away by this poem!

    It's graceful flow and rhythmic style held me from start to finish! Lovely and elegant piece this week!!

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers


  • 9 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging Comment

    Whoa, this piece is stunning; the imagery was an excellent way of not only setting a scene but cluing us into the tone of the piece as well. There is a voice in this that is almost hauntingly sweet in the way it references the sorrows of Greek mythology, not just the highlights or stories that everyone's heard at least once in their life. The personification in the first stanza gives this piece a personal touch, a hint of mystery that the reader can never understand quite right, while allowing the rest of the piece to be universal in an overly inviting sort of way. It is enchanting - even if it is not a lighthearted kind of magical.

  • 9 years ago

    by nobody09


  • 9 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    Awesome write !!!!
    Congrats for the win.