you caught up with the collapsing

by Star   Sep 16, 2023

a chain of incomplete
blended with denialism
and a sense of withdrawal
from belonging.

catastrophic thoughts dance
to futuristic music,
the drumming of the ear;

a noise

this day the world criticizes
the ashes of the widowed night.
sympathetic stares glare at her,

the day an imprisonment
with his unreliable reliability.

you break through
the completeness
of your soul,
to the pressure of
the condemned sun
that failed to witness

her own burning.


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  • 10 months ago

    by Mahal Ko Kuya Ko

    Powerful words! "Condemned sun that failed to witness her own burning, unreliable reliability, widowed night, withdrawal from belonging..." I love so many parts of this piece.

    --- MKKK

    • 9 months ago

      by Star

      Thank you!!