The Disgust Of Living

by Alaleighea   Nov 10, 2004

...I'm alone and nobody cares...
...I cry and i cry...
I know you can hear me
But you roll your eyes to my sorrow
...To my hate with myself...
...To my disgust of living...
You say I'll get through it
But someday you'll be rolling your eyes to darkness
Someday soon your back will be turned to emptiness
Where my sorrow and disgust was will now be death empty... cold...
With no misery to haunt my days and plague my nights
No mirrors to reflect my grotesque image
No backs to turn on me
Pretend you know how i feel
......see if you can....
Can you taste hopelessness seething through your veins?
...I can...
Can you feel death dripping from your pores and welcome it with a relieved smile?
...I can...
Do you picture evil shadows of hell as a better alternative to the cruel joke of living?
....I do...


My other poems are nothing like this one. This one was fun to write though ^.^... i would really appreciate it if you rated this poem and my others if u have the time. Comments are fun also!


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  • 19 years ago

    by confusion

    liked the style of this one with the different length sentaces. good effect

    lu -x-x-x-