Silent suicide

by Drugs && Hugs   Dec 16, 2004

She sits in the corner and cuts her wrist again. The blood drips in to the same stained area. She swears one day she will kill herself. Every morning so hard to get up.

She falls asleep in that corner and the next morning drags her self up. It takes all her straight to get up.

She tries to smile but each day it gets harder. Everything falling apart. She tries to talk about it but know one listens. She knows she needs help but know one believes her.

She sits back in that corner every single night wishing one night would be her last. She wants to fall asleep and never wake up. The world seems to last for ever but to her the world is hell.

One day she gives up admits she is to weak to fight it. She gives up know one listen or even wants to know.

She walks in to an alley down by her house with her best friends gun beside her all the way. She takes the gun and shoots her self. This girl of only 13 had seen hell and lived it. She tried to fix it but no one was there to listen.

The cops find her hours later. They think of it as just another one of those stupid kids who kills them self for no reason.... they never did know the girl behind the bullet.

~True... or at least part of it... but the other half just might be one day~



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