Looking For Answers

by Kacie   Mar 29, 2005

Is what I have a sickness?
A disease?
Can it be cured?
Can someone give me answers please?
When I am with my friend Mike I feel such freedom
Like I can just be me
Like I don’t have to worry
About what I'm "suppose" to be
When we were in Florida it was so great
He was checking out guys and I was checking out girls
Getting together laughing and joking about getting so close
God, It felt like it was a whole separate world
But in school even as open as I am
And how much I pretend not to care
I feel so isolated and like I'm such an outcast
And even though I pretend it doesn’t hurt the pain is still there
Why am I so different? Why cant I be like everyone else?
Why do I have to look at girls the way I do?
Who can I talk to?
Who would understand what I'm going through?
I need someone to give me answers to my questions
That I cant seem to answer myself
One of my biggest questions is
Why cant I be like everyone else?

*I wrote this poem after i saw an ad on the computer about a therapist thinking that being gay is a sickness or an illness and that it could be cured and it got me thinking is it really a sickness? so thats why i wrote this poem...but i dont really know if it belongs in the depression section but i didnt really know where else to put it.*


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