
by EyEs WiDe ShUt   Apr 13, 2005

I grab the paper
and grip the pen
i started writing
because i knew this was the end

i wanna tell grandma i love you
and Mommy to be strong
you'll get though
i know this is wrong
but i just cant hold on..
any longer

i know i always tell you I'm fine
but how could you not tell
that just waking up for me
is worse then hell

i always hated when you told people "don't worry shes fine"
"i KNOW my daughter shes not depressed"
you only said that because you knew you were the one giving me all the stress

coming home every night tweaked out and drunk off you a**
you always came home ready to fight
and i was always your target...

tell the day you finally got locked up
that day was the happiest day
the day you finally got put away

but even though you did all this shat to me i still love you Mommy

but now its to late
suicide is my desired fate
the crimson is already pouring to the ground
everything is spinning around
this is it I'm going to die...
this is it and i just wanna say...

(this poem went in a diff. direction then i wanted it to but i got carried away so please comment on wat you think)


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