Plea of a concience.

by SpillCanvas   May 1, 2005

You know that they don't see you.
You know that they couldn't care less.
You see in their eyes the hate and disgust,
Why are you always such a mess?

I know you hear me, you can't fight it.
I'm that voice inside your head.
Are you listening? just go through with it.
We both know you'd be better off dead!

It might seem like I'm trying to be mean.
But I'm just saying what you want me to say.
I just do as I'm directed,
But do you really want to die today?

Trust me on this one, I'd know!
No one else understand you like I do.
They all see you and they would care,
If only you'd let them in, they'd understand you too.

In truth now, come on, let's be serious!
Put down that knife, I beg of you!
I know That I'm starting to sound desperate,
But by putting an end to your life, you're putting an end to me too.

Oh god, now you've really done it!
There's no one to save you, there's no one around!
You'll regret this but now it's too late,
As the bloody knife slowly falls to the ground.

Well, I guess this is partly my fault.
I was truthful a little too late.
Every thing's starting to fade now,
All of this just to hide from true fate.

If you'd trusted that life would guide you,
To where you'd eventually need to be,
Maybe we wouldn't have ended here... like this,
So ends my final plea.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Trevor

    ...amazing, i dont even know what to say except that was beautiful, i suppose i can say that i know how it feels to be like that. a defnite 5 keep on writing

  • 19 years ago

    by LiSziE

    Great Poem :)

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