Black Release

by ashley   May 3, 2005

~----~ As I put this pen to paper,
~---~ I let my emotions go,
~--~ On the black stained paper,
~-~ My pain does flow…
~-~ The lies scribbled down,
~--~ Dark as the night,
~---~ Sharp-edged letters,
~----~ Expressing life’s appalling fight...
~----~ Indecipherable scratches,
~---~ From mistakes that were made,
~--~ But into the surrounding words,
~-~ The mistakes do fade…
~-~ My black teardrops,
~--~ Bleed through the white background,
~---~ Loneliness, happiness, sadness and shame,
~----~ Now spread all around…
~----~ What a wonderful release,
~---~ To scribble away,
~--~ Liberating your body,
~-~ From what you felt today…
~-~ A crumpled piece of paper,
~--~ Deep in the trash now lays,
~---~ Holding a person’s feelings,
~----~ Forgotten within days…
~----~ But replaced within time,
~---~ By more feelings thought,
~--~ Only once again,
~-~ To be later forgot…
~-~ Here my emotions,
~--~ Are permanently placed,
~---~ Never again
~----~ Will they have to be faced…
~----~ Forgotten in the future,
~---~ Remembered in the past,
~--~ The first thoughts,
~-~ Emphasized by the last…
~-~ Running like water,
~--~ But thick as blood,
~---~ Hardly comprehensible,
~----~ Only by some it’s understood…


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  • 18 years ago

    by Briana

    Beautiful poem.

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