New Order on the tv

by Anna   Jun 5, 2005

I'm sitting here in the darkness
And there are tears falling from my eyes
This New Order song makes me cry
And thinking of Alfi I understand why
I still find it hard to think of the past
All the things I'd do differently
All the questions I'd ask
And the song lyrics bring me to tears
In a matter of months it will have been two years
I've changed so much
But we still have our link
I guess we just click, we get how each other think
I still miss your kiss, your love and your touch
and Alfi to be honest, I doubt you'll ever know how much
New order sing of giving a second chance
You know I still wanted one, I missed your romance
And I still want one more night, one more day
If it happened again, Alfi would we stay?
And the video reminds me so much of me and you
how nothing else mattered except our young love true
Just like before, with the Irac war
If the world was ending I still think I'd look for you my hun
You know we really thought we'd found the one
You know I'd still turn to you for clarification
If I spoke honestly, for me to do art you were my inspiration
So sitting here my cheeks are soaked from tears
Thanks to that song I'm reminissing as our two year landmark nears
I hope you know just how your presense in my life has effected me
My choice of music, my indie style, my st*ned smile
So if you ever look maybe in me a fraction of you you'll see


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  • 19 years ago

    by XKt_ShellyX

    oh baby
    such a great poem, but so sad...
    cant believe its been nearlly two years.
    stay strong ma honey.

    love you x x x