Torn Apart

by Alex   Jul 12, 2005

Torn apart
Split in two
My heart still longs
It bleeds for you

When you left,
When you walked away
You took a piece of my heart
And left me there,

Broken and bleeding
It reminds me of you,
Each scar, each tear,
Each beat is you

My heart has been bruised
Stolen and shattered,
All of these you have done
Leaving me broken and battered

Darkness and silence,
It beckons to me
Cold hands took me
Pulling me back

Inside, I've been ripped apart
But you wouldn't feel for me,
As I feel for you
You said you cared,

Though, I won't ever be able to
Stand on my feet without you
So here's to all my tears I've cried
With my knife, each stroke I lay for you

Dripping crimson agony
Falling to my knees and
Screaming your name
With the blade falling over and over again

One for the lies I believed
Two for the times we shared
Three for the heart you stole and tore
And four because I thought you really cared

So here I lay, cold and pale
All senses left behind
You won't remember me or my tale
Just consider my last thought

Echoed like a lambent of silent screams
So until you rest eternally too
I won't be whole again
Not without you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ana

    Oooo I love the format! Beautiful!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~DyingBlackRose~

    Great poem!. I liked how you put the emotion in it through the words you used. Great Job! If you have time check out my poems and tell me what ya think. Take Care
