My feelings on love

by EyEs WiDe ShUt   Dec 18, 2005

Love is... well love is complicated, though it simplifies many things. It is something that is impossible to describe in a word. In fact it may be impossible to describe in any number of words. Love is knowing that no matter how horrible you feel, that the one you love can always make you feel better. It's wanting to make them laugh so they're never sad. It's knowing that their hug is the most comfortable feeling in the world. It's looking into their eyes and seeing happiness staring back at you. Love is sharing silences that aren't awkward or uncomfortable. It's knowing they're the first person you want to tell about anything good that happens to you. It's being happy because they are. Love is not wanting to look at anyone else in the room because all you ever wanted was right in front of you. It's being able to look into their eyes and know when somethings wrong. It's wanting to feel however miserable they are so they don't have to. It's when you start to worry about them before worrying about yourself. Love is knowing that you could spend every second in the world with just that person and feel that it wouldn't be enough time. Some say love is never having to say your sorry. I think love is always wanting to say your sorry so they know you never mean to cause them pain. Love is patience. It's being willing to wait out any amount of time apart, if you know you will be happy together forever after that. It's crying because you miss them. Love is when almost everything reminds you of them. It's being willing to do whatever it takes to make things work. Love is not wanting to change a thing about them. It makes the world look totally different when you're with them. Love is valuing their feelings more than yours. It's not wanting to live if they're not alive. It's knowing that, if it came down to it, you would lay down your life for the one you love.

he feels this for me...

but i wrote it for her...........

(plz comment)


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