How im feeling

by firexflys   Feb 8, 2006

I'm missing you more everyday
And it hurts the most when I think
And lay

I'm not sure what's going to happen
Hell I'm not even sure what to say
But apart of me is breaking with
Each passing day

I hurt so much and no one really knows
Just how deep it really goes.
I wish I could find the word to explain
But none come close

I cry every night, I barley get passed
The day, I know you love me but it feels
Like were fading away it feels like as the day gets
Closer were growing apart

And this is truly ripping me apart
It's like it's killing my heart. I feel like
I have been left all alone in the dark

Thought I know your right here with
Me you're with my heart, I just don't know
What to do I feel like in the end I am loses

Written by FireXfly©

well this is a poem about some things i had been feeling in the past few weeks im better now. just thought i should add somthing new i know its bad but o well


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  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    I noticed you write a lot of sad and love poems. I wish I could read those.
    You can learn alot about a person from their poetry. You feel their emotions with their write. You read their stories, it sometimes might not be true, but you can understand them from it.

    This was a really sad write, and I hope to be coming back to read your love poems sometime. You are a talented writer. Thanks for the reads, it was worth the time :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Wow - such a sad poem, but don't let go of your hopes :) There were some great lines in there, especcially

    Hell I'm not even sure what to say
    But apart of me is breaking with
    Each passing day

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    U noe wut. this poem was gr8
    I felt ur passion
    keep it up nd good luck
    thnx 4 the comment on ma poem :)
    much lov
    N3mA x0x0x0x0x

  • 18 years ago

    by ღ Dark Princess ღ

    THATS AMAZING HUN!! I loved the rhyming in some of the paragraphs! Keep it up! 5.5! Hope to see you soon!


  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    A t0uching piece. l0t 0f em0ti0n very t0uching