
by Jemma   Apr 7, 2006

I'm at the bottom
There may be a broken ladder
A faulty stair to help me on my way
But it's a long way up
I've fallen
The bottom of the huge void
So deep only a dim speck of life remains
Trapped in that distant spot of light that's out of my reach
Something that looks like the light at the end of the tunnel
And it's gonna be the train
And I'm not going to worm my way back up to the land of shadows and secrets
When all is clear down here
A truth so solid that it holds me secure
A chance of knowledge or understanding
That I never understood a thing
That I never would have made it by
Just learning their rules
Word by word but never taking it to heart
Just repeating the words
A foreign tongue to someone like me
Someone who can't even pick themselves up after they stumble and fall
And I've fallen
It's a chasm that breaches my mind
The dust is lapping into my head and feeding me its sorrows
And I am sat here drinking them in


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