Depressed Beauty

by MissAlotta   Jun 9, 2006

She wears her lilac talcum garnished
In her beautifully woven voile dress
Ready to show the world shes happy
But in desperation to really confess

With tears wiped away by her cloth
And her cuts tucked away under her sleeve
No one could ever tell shes depressed
Or need feel to show alittle grieve

Her heart as feeble as broken wood
She tries to hold it, but it continues to secede
Attempting to connive this perpetual pain
Blood appears thru thin lace, beginning to bleed

Although her blood seeps floridly
People watch but feel no remorse
Shes still beautiful as she always was
Except for this austere and railing force

Tears trickle down her cheeks from cunning eyes
With the beauty and grace she always had dwell
She ambled down the lighted hall way
Losing herself in tears and pain in hell

Within her heart felt loose and broken
So she decided to finally rest in peace
She placidly rip the dying flesh underneath
And finally let her soul confess and release


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