
by Steve V   Jun 25, 2006

Like it or not, your reflection in no way lies
Even being fogged over in a mist or haze
Wipe away your revelation, to see what is in disguise

Under it all, reveals the person every individual sees
Without bias judgment, without favoritism, without opinion
This is you, the one created by the birds and bees

You peer intensely into the looking glass
Is this what everybody around me admires?
Or is this a just a moment that will promptly pass

This likeness you have matured with over the years
It changes rapidly, briskly upon your frame of mind
Your bliss, your sorrow, your triumphs and your fears

A portrait of yourself mimics at whatever time you view
Now and then refreshing and clean, occasionally empty and vacant
In between it all, never deceitful, embracing you on cue

Signals of your spirit and soul may shine a heart into warming glow
Or painfully, a depressing, discerning glare peers back upon you
Either way, it reflects an illustration, you and your shadow already knows

It shows visions of dreams you thought would never become reality
Although, at times pleasurable or even a bitter pill to ingest and swallow
But your true self will always be cast with fairness and equality

Tis a reflective surface tempting any and all to ponder
Beaconing all that hurry by, calling out to grace its presence
It pleads for you sit a spell, and gaze into its world, to see your aura and wander

It never claims to be perfect or ideal, nor right or wrong
Nor does it compliment you or cure what is ailing your plight
It reflects only the truth that lingers genuinely and strong

For this echo creates an illusion, some wish to replace
It stands quietly, awaiting your next appearance without prejudice
While others see only a person that they will always embrace


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