
by Fig   Jul 21, 2006

You believe we are almost there
almost happy
i can see in in the creases of your eyes
but it never feels that way
I\'m still falling
between cold icy blue storms
inky and swirling
And the fire of the suns
burning out the day into dust
i keep flying through this dark and light
Euphoria and despair
No snow to melt
and collect on my tongue
that i may cry alongside this falling sky


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  • 17 years ago

    by Daenerys Stormborn

    You use incredible imagery! want to share some of your beautiful imagination? by the way, i love the name Fig

  • 18 years ago

    by Navy Blue Heart

    Aw man lucy! :( so sad sniff sniff. Such a perfect way to describe a failing relationship, I only hope you didn't write this from current experience