
by manic moments   Aug 13, 2006

"I promise you more time"
The first promise rolling off your lips, the first crime
"I promise to see you, I promise"
And I know these little promises are hard to dismiss

Promises, I asked for you not to promise anymore
But you keep discarding them on the floor
I told you not to promise; I said, "Please stop"
But all these promises you continued to drop

"Please say you care for me like I do you"
You asked me this question, begging it to be true
"I'll give you more time, and more"
Sometimes it's hard to believe anymore

I told you that our time was dwindling
You said, "Bub, how is this happening?"
I told you that we're changing, that we wouldn't be us anymore
You said that's what makes you want to see me the more

Sweetie, I know this may all be wrong
That we weren't supposed to meet all along
That our arms weren't supposed to touch, to embrace
But in my dreams, I can still see you face

I know that time is changing; I know that it may go bad
I know that sometimes we can't help that we're sad
I know we're making the best of what we were given
And that there are so many mistakes left to be forgiven

I don't want you to promise me
That we'll meet, that we'll finally see
Because sweetie, I know that some promise you cannot keep
And I don't want to fall into a promise that shall bury itself deep

I know that sometimes I'm just not me
That there isn't a chance for that night I am happy
I know that I make so many mistakes
But I'll do everything for you, your what it takes

Behind my words of everyday
Are so many things that I want to say
I know sometimes I make problems, I make us fight
But for me, that's what makes us all the more right

I know I'm confusing, I know sometimes you won't understand
But sweetie, all I want is for you to take my hand
Promises hurt; promises are so hard to accept
But sweetie, I'm starting to warm to the concept

I know I'm confusing you at the moment
By all these words displayed at current
Just know that I care, just know I do
And I would give up everything for you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    I hope he knows that u'll give up everything for him dom. r u going to show him this?? maybe u should cause it is so beautiful.
    love willow xxoo

  • 17 years ago

    by .shake.

    I lovs it, is reali nicli written && is rather true. keep it up xXxXx