Rock A By Baby

by manic moments   Sep 2, 2006

Rock a by baby, on the ledge summit
When the wind blows, you'll fall and plummet
If the rocks break, and baby shall fall
Then down will come baby, screams and all

Rock a by baby, in the creek's bed
When it rains, the creek will be fed
If it shall rise, past baby's eyes
Then drown will be baby, in water to die

Rock a by baby, on the hill wall
When the sunshines, you'll scream as you fall
If the cot tips, and baby falls out
Then down will come baby, flaying about

Rock a by baby, on the sea's edge
When the sea rises, you'll feel the waters ledge
If the tide rages, and baby gets caught
Then there goes baby, rescue is naught

Rock a by baby, in the deserted street
When the people come, you'll feel all their feet
If someone looks, into baby's eyes
Then there baby shall stay, where they're left to lie

Rock a by baby, in the maternity zone
When mother comes, she's all you've known
If mother runs baby shall be lonely
Then poor little baby, will never know their mummy

Rock a by baby, in the empty home
When they whimper, they know they're alone
If someone should hear, and take baby away
Then there goes baby, no longer a stray

Rock a by baby, in my silent arms
When mother speaks, please settle and calm
If baby whimpers, and mother gets mad
Then bye bye baby, you dead, how sad

Rock a by baby, you cold little child
When mother got mad, she no longer smiled
If mother gets found out, then to jail mother goes
But no one knows what mother knows


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by MeganLeigh

    I love this poem. Very well written but scary. If you get a chance, please check out some of mine!! :) Have a good day.

  • 17 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I lvoe it, this reminds me of my poem Roclk-a-bye-baby..check it out hunn. this is rly godo i lveo your style and the enrgey and the dedication is beautiful...keep it up hunn.

    love u

  • 17 years ago

    by LittleBlackRose

    Wow, this is a reallly dark poem.. scary idea that people think this about there kids.. but you have writtten it well

  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    So sad but it happens to so many dom. u have talent. very sad.
    love willow xxoo