Only Survive

by Jemma   Oct 3, 2006

I don't think they could make it right
There's so much that they did not understand
I don't think they saw each other's hidden depths
Taking everything at face value
And yet we hold so many mysteries deep within
Wanted an easy time, something quick and hurried
Scared to commit and scared of hard work

She needed a sense of peace he couldn't fathom
She needed some time just to sit and be still
Just to hear the silence

And he never understood

But he couldn't have
For she never let him in
Only she knew who she actually was
No one knew what went on in her mind
What she thought, what she believed
She kept her secrets and hid how she felt
Had to hold her temper and her tongue
Lest she reveal a little of herself
For it was all she thought she had

He thought she was happy, perpetually so
Even as she sank into shadows
He never cared to check
To see if she was ok inside
Well everyone must hide
In these superficial times
For no one has the time or the will
To actually live
Only survive

And he never understood her, for I never thought to tell him
Because he could not listen, only hear white noise
And who was I to reveal what would only hurt
For he was comforted by his falsehoods


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