I Feel Like a Joke

by Thoughtless Consideration   Oct 26, 2006

Thoughts are racing through my mind,
Contradicting themselves all the time.
I want to just rip out my hair,
I want to just lay down and cry.
I've never felt this way before,
In all my life.

Because you're the one I love,
I don't know where to turn to.
Who to talk to?
I don't know what to think about you.

I'm sick of being scared,
But I am,
You know, I'm that girl standing
Right over there.

They say to talk and laugh and joke,
I don't know what to say,
On my words I usually choke.
It makes me feel so helpless,
I feeble giggle is all I can croak.

I can barely even say I'm alright,
We all know that's a lie.
I'm not sad,
I'm not mad.
That's what's driving me around the bend,
I don't know when theese crazy feelings will end.

You're twinkling eyes are almost too much to take,
You're driving me
Just plain insane.

I sit down, with my head in my hands,
I wonder if you will ever
Even bother trying to understand.

I'm sick of smiling and shrugging it off,
I need to break out of this shell,
I think we need to just talk.

What to say,
This has been the most insane day.
I have spent too much time
Just living a lie.

They tell me to act like myself,
I don't know how to
Whenever I'm around you.
Does anybody know how I feel?
Because your eyes are pretty much surreal.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Guilty By Design

    Hey you commented on one of my poems so i thought i'd do the same. i like this.

  • Well... practice makes perfect... right?
    the best way to get a guy to notic you is to just kind of smile @ him whenver yo see that he is looking at you, or say hi in the hallways. i kno it seems extremely hi to JUST say hi, but you can actually practice.... it is so super easy!!!! just go to publix.... and whenever you walk by someone be like hi or i like your shirt... you can do it in the halls at school too. i know you are sick of me telling you this, but the truth is he knows who you are, he just never talks to you because he doesnt feel like it.... i mean, girls can say flirt with him all the time, but if you dont htink you will be good at it, than just dont do it. but the best way to start is to just say hi...and after you get the hang of it, you can start talking to him easier, there are a bunch of conversation starters with guys.... you know they do after school activities? well wyatt does.....just ask him "hey how did you play in your last game?" lets see.... uh... schoolwork! school is always something to talk about "god this sux..." or "i wish theyd teach us more of this"
    Then there are jokes like "okay... no more jell-o in my science projects. my cell model loooks like it escaped from a horror movie." Tvs and movies are also cool so be like "so saw star wars episode II? how do you think they g ot him to do that thingi with the light saber?" and if you go to talk to him, and totally go into lock down mode.... just be like "hey wat was our math homework???"

    okay, conversations seem scary, but he is a person too. it is going to be really scary to talk to him at first.... trust me i kno.... but if you just start saying things to random people you dont know, it means that you CAN do it. just wave if you cant get the guts up to say anything....i know whenever you want to talk to him, you get scared and all these what ifs start popping up "what if i look like a total dork?????" welll, its okay. he should like you for who you are not how you look. and if he doesnt like you like that, well screw him! he obviousl doesnt see what he is missing.... and you deserve way better. i kno it is really REALLY hard... but we are in the same boat remember? i kno i was so scared to talk to who i like for awhile, but i just said hi to him a couple times and asked him what the hw was and i started feeling way better...and i mean... the double h's are like idiot proof.... there is no way you can look stupid saying hi or asking for hw....so practice makes perfect.... and no you dont have to practice tlaking to him first... you can practice on anyone whenever you feel like it.

    besides.... you dont have tot ake any of this advice.... i kno it is tough farah.... and i kno that you almost feel like on one understands, but i REALLY do. i really kno what i am talking about ....to an extent.... i mean obviously i can talk to daniel, but i can barely go beyond that lol....well...i kno you think i am on crack....and this is probably starting to get really annoying and you are sick of hearing it, but sometimes it takes a little push to get someone to break out of your shell... i kno you and shelby kinda helped me........
    this is starting to sound stupid.
    srry i got all dr phillis is on crack on you.....

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