Afraid of the world

by Michelle18   Dec 26, 2006

She looks at herself in the mirror,

she sees a girl with lots of fear.

she's afraid of being all alone,

with no one to hold or call her own.

she's afraid of getting hurt once more,

she's afraid to open another door.

afraid of letting someone in her heart,

afraid of getting it ripped apart.

she's afraid to walk down the road,

afraid that someone will finally know.

she's lonely, hurt, confused, depressed,

she's tired of all of this painful stress.

she's afraid to walk down the hall,

afraid that she might trip and fall.

she's afraid of the ones who take her guys

afraid of those stupid selfish girls that lie.

finally she realizes she's afraid of the world,

and wished she would die.


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  • 17 years ago

    by babblingxbrooke

    Once again a poem I can most deff relate to...amazing write!


  • 17 years ago

    by Christina McDowell

    Wow! Your poems are really touching Michelle! Thx for commenting mine,by the way! Plz keep up the voting for me!!!!!