Crying In The Rain

by Tammie   Jan 29, 2007

Clouds emerge in a clear blue sky
Tears appear in my light green eyes
Darkness falls on a once bright day
Sorrow rises as happiness fades away

Walking empty streets, no one in sight
Lifeless surroundings, to my delight
I always prefer to be alone
With my thoughts of the unknown

Rain drops begin to slowly fall
Faster and faster, but still so small
With the rain, tears start to follow
A lump in my throat I try to swallow

Crying in the rain so no one can see
Sorrow and suffering that's become of me
Washing away all this hidden pain
Disguising the tears with the welcome rain

Clouds part letting the sunshine in
Realization has come from within
A sign sent down from up above
To give another chance to love

I walk home with a scrap of hope
That at least for now I will cope
Move on from the past and its mistakes
Learn from them, at least for my sake.

* Written For A Contest *


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  • 16 years ago

    by littlemissxsunshine

    Wow i love this! im glad im not the only one who feels this way (:

  • 17 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Aww. Even though this was written for a contest, I still think that it was very well written. It was as if you were feeling the pain yourself. Whether or not you were, it was very good. I enjoyed the plot and the rhyme and the flow. Everything! Lol.

    [A sign sent down from up above
    To give another chance to love]
    ^^Suggestion: Change around a few words around in the second line. The flow doesn't seem to be here in these two lines. To me, anyways.

    That's all I could really find wrong with it. Otherwise, I thought it had great emotion and depth to it. Very well written. =) 5/5 xxoo


  • 17 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    I liked this poem.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels better after I'm outside in the rain I thought I was just crazy for a while

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    Amazing. Simply amazing. I got goose bumps from reading this.

  • 17 years ago

    by Connie

    I really enjoyed reading this poem!

    Clouds part letting the sunshine in
    Realization has come from within
    A sign sent down from up above
    To give another chance to love
