Oh, Just Shoot Me. {Terzanelle}

by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex   Feb 11, 2007

Not my best, but it's interesting, I think. And I like the random length of lines. Enjoy.

Oh, just shoot me,
When no one's watching in the middle of the night,
Oh, just shoot me.

Hold me close and do it right,
I am your ghost
When no one's watching inthe middle of the night.

Do not boast,
About your sex change and transexual lies,
I am your ghost.

Aim higher, lower, to gut with your tries,
Test me,
About your sex change and transexual lies.

Shoot me,
With your very gun to your head,
Test me.

Bang, bang, liar, you're dead;
Oh, just shoot me,
With your very gun to your head,
Oh, just shoot me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    This was really great! It flowed wonderfully. You are amazing at writing these types of poetry. It was very creative & unique. I deffinitley have not read anything like it.

    Which is always good :]

    Bang, bang, liar, you're dead;
    ^^ Ahahaha. I loveeeee this line. Seriously. It makes me laugh.. but it's so.. POWERFUL. haha.


    Bri x

  • 17 years ago

    by Delie

    Once again, could be lyrics
    i don't really get it, but i think it has a deeper meaning to it, than just those words...

  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    When no one's watching inthe middle of the night.

    ^^ I think inthe is suppose to have a space between it.

    Again i really didn't get the emotion from this or get what you were trying to say. The flow was really good tho.

  • 17 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    It can be a great lyric if you find a good rhytm,so fine 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by firexdancer

    This was really interesting, but i enjoyed reading it, and letting it surprise me.
    thx for the comments on my poems, and i will keep posting, cause comments are really important to how i write. (thx for the constructive criticism)
    i will read more!
    luv gabriella